Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/122

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88 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 77-APR. 6, 1940 [54 STAT. PENAL AND CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS Maintenance. Federal jails and correctional institutions, maintenance: For an pos, p. ' additional amount for Federal jails and correctional institutions, fiscal year 1940, including the same objects specified under this head 53 stat. 901. in the Department of Justice Appropriation Act, 1940, $49,375. Support of U. . Support of United States prisoners: For an additional amount for prisoners. support of United States prisoners, fiscal year 1939, including the same objects specified under this head in the Department of Justice 62 stat. 26 Appropriation Act, 1939, $86,154. FEDERAL BUREAU OF IlVESTIGATION Salaries and ex- Salaries and expenses: The limitation on the amount which may be APtec,p. 33 . expended for personal services in the District of Columbia from the appropriation "Salaries and expenses, Federal Bureau of Investiga. tion, 1940", contained in the Department of Justice Appropriation 53 tat. 897. Act, 1940, is hereby increased from $1,872,480 to $2,022,480. tDame ai. Claims for damages: For the payment of claims for damages to any person or damages to or loss of privately owned property caused by employees of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, acting within the scope of their employment, considered, adjusted, and determined by the Attorney General, under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the adjustment and settlement of certain claims 49 stat. 1184. arising out of the activities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation", 5 U.S. a1sC., Supp. V, ob. C, pp. approved March 20, 1936 (5 U. S. C. 300 b), as fully set forth in House Document Numbered 623, Seventy-sixth Congress, $184.65. Sum reappropriated for designated pur- poses. 52 Stat. 268 . 31 Stat. 1222. Conciliation com- missioners. 49 Stat. 1327. Overtime pay. 52 Stat. 286. 46 Stat. 1467. UNIT'ED STATES COURTs The sum of $24,703.04 of the unexpended balance of the appropria- tion "Fees of jurors and witnesses, United States courts, 1939', is hereby transferred and made available for the purposes of the appro- priations to which transferred, as follows: The sum of $17,500 to "Traveling expenses Department of Justice and Judiciary, 1939"; the sum of $520 to "Pay of bailiffs, and so forth, United States courts, 1939", including the compensation of jury commissioners for the District of Columbia in conformity with the provisions of title 18, chapter 10, section 341, of the Code of the District of Columbia; the sum of $997.12 to "Miscellaneous salaries, United States courts 1939"; the sum of $5,022.11 to "Fees of jurors and witnesses, United States courts, 1938"; the sum of $651.61 to "Salaries and expenses of clerks, United States courts, 1937"; and the sum of $12.20 to "Miscellaneous expenses, United States courts 1936". Conciliation commissioners, United States courts: For an additional amount for fees and expenses of conciliation commissioners, United States courts, fiscal year 1940, including the same objects specified under this head in the Department of Justice Appropriation Act, 1937, $70,000. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE Salaries, field service: For an additional amount for salaries of field personnel of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, fiscal year 1939, to be available only for the payment of extra compensation for overtime services of inspectors and employees of the Immigration and Naturalization Service for which the United States receives reim- bursement in accordance with the provisions of the Act of March 2, 1931 (8 U. S. C. 109a-109b; 31 U. S. C . 725d), $5,192.