Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1286

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Bridges-Continued. Page Time extended for bridging-Continued. Mississippi River, at-Continued. Little Falls, Minn -------------- 174 Memphis, Tenn---------------, 962 Winona, Minn------------------ 259 Missouri River, at- Arrow Rock, Mo---------------- 743 Petersburg, Mo----------------- 258 Randolph, Mo ------------ 156,245 Monongahela River, in Allegheny County, Pa------------------ 784 Ohio River, at- Mauckport, Ind -- _---_------- 222 Shawneetown, Ill -------------- _ 727 St. Lawrence River, at Ogdensburg, N. Y-------------------- 259 St. Louis River, Duluth, Minn. - Superior, Wis----------------- 172 Susquehanna River, at Harrisburg, Pa----------------------- - 729 Brigadier Generals, Regular Army, in- crease in number------------------ 227 Brooklyn, N. Y.: Cypress Hills National Cemetery, ac- ceptance of Mount of Victory plot as part of --------------------- 694 Medical Supply Depot, appropriation for construction work, etc ------- _ 880 Post offices, limit of cost of construction of certain, increased -- _ ---- ----- - 633 Brooks Field, Tex., appropriation for authorized work at ---------------- 361 Bruceton, Pa., appropriation for buildings and grounds, mining experiment sta- tion --------------------- .- -- -. 443 Brunswick, William W., payment to ---. 94 Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, ap- propriation for administration, etc- __ 445 Budget, Bureau of the: Appropriation for-----. -- -- -- -- --- 112, 630 Purchases without advertising ------ _ 1110 Buffalo, N. Y ., appropriation for hydro- graphic office ----------- . .- - .

290 Buffalo Rapids Project, Mont., appropria- tion for operation and mainte- nance

__ _- Bulgaria, appropriation for minister to__ - Bund, German-American. See German- American Bund. Bureau of International Telecommunica- tion Union, Radio Section, appropria- tion for contribution - _--_- -__- -- Bureau of Interparliamentary Union for Promotion of International Arbitra- tion: Appropriation for contribution-------- Purchases without advertising------ Burlington, Iowa, limit of cost of construc- tion of post office increased--------. 434 183 187 187 1110 633 Bush, Vannevar, appointment as member of Board of Regents, Smithsonian In- stitution------------------------- Page 82 C Cache National Forest, Utah, appropria- tion for acquisition of land for soil- erosion control, etc---------------- 549 Caddoa Reservoir Project, name changed to John Martin Reservoir Project--- 508 California: Angeles National Forest, purchase of lands in, for soil-erosion control, etc.; appropriation authorized---- 299 Appropriation for- Antiaircraft firing range, Mojave Desert, acquisition of land ------ 361 Central Valley project, construction- 87, 438 Fort MacArthur, authorized work at- 361 General Grant National Park------ 446 Hamilton Field- Acquisition of land-- ---------- 25 Authorized work at----------_- -- 361 Indians- Construction and repair of build- ings--------------------_ - 431 Irrigation projects-------- 419, 420, 422 Support, etc ---- 415, 417, 424, 426, 427 Kings Canyon National Park------- _ 446 Klamath project- Construction ------------------ 436 Operation and maintenance ------ 434 Lassen Volcanic National Park ----- 446 March Field, authorized work at---- 361 Marine school maintenance --------- 269 Moffett Field, construction and equip- ment of research laboratory ----- 134 National forests, reconstruction of roads, etc-------------------- 639 Naval Training Station, San Diego, maintenance, etc--------. - -- - - 28 Parker Dam Power project----- -- 438 Sacramento River, flood control----- 508 Sequoia National Park- ----------- 447 Yosemite National Park ----------- 448 Yuma project, operation and main- tenance -------- . -- - -- -- - -- -- 433 Central Valley project, reauthorization; declaration of purposes- ------ _ _ 1200 Chemehuevi Reservation, acquisition of lands in, for Parker Dam project- _ 744 Cleveland National Forest, purchase of lands in, for soil-erosion control, etc.; appropriation authorized--- - 297 Appropriation for -----____ -- -- - _ 549 Crissy Field, restriction on use of funds incident to use as air station ..- - . 366 Death Valley National Monument, ex- change of certain lands in, author- ised-____ -tno INDEX XVI

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