Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1301

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IN'DEX Customs and Patent Appeals, Court of. See United States Courts. Customs Cases, appropriation for conduct of ------------ .- -.. .. ... ... .. ..- Customs Court. See United States Courts. Customs Laws, improvement of facilities for enforcement, along Canadian and Mexican borders, authorized


Customs Statistics, appropriation for com- pilation, etc--------------------. . Customs Tariffs, International Bureau of Publication of, appropriation for contribution -- __--------------.-_ Cut-Off Island, Ind., bridge authorized across old channel of Wabash River at ---------------------------- . Cypress Hills National Cemetery, Brook- lyn, N. Y ., acceptance of Mount of Victory plot as part of------------- Czechoslovakia, appropriation for min- ister to---- .-- - .-------------

Page 202 1091 194 187 173 694 183 D Dabney, Walter D. (Lt. Col.), credit in accounts of-------------------- 495, 497 Dahlgren, Va.: Naval Proving Ground- Appropriation for construction work, etc------------------ 282, 607, 878 Conveyance of portion to State au- thorized ------------------ - 1022 Ordnance station, appropriation for operation of school-------------- 274 Dairy Industry, Bureau of. See Agricul- ture, Department of. Daly, Cornelius M. (Lt. Col.), validation of certain payments made to........ 497 Damage Claims, appropriation for-_ 92, 656, 1047 Dangerous Cargoes, regulation of carriage of------------------------------- 1023 Dark Head Creek, Md., improvement authorized----------------------- 1199 Dauphin Island, construction of toll bridge, etc., between Cedar Point, Ala., and, authorized----------------------- 742 Death Valley National Monument, Calif., exchange of certain lands in, author- ized ------------------------ -- 1193 Decatur, Nebr., bridge authorized across Missouri River at----------------- 257 Defense. See National Defense. Defense Tax. See Revenue Act of 1940; Revenue Act of 1940, Second. Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1940, First. See also Emergency Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1940; Urgent De- fi„-nn- Ann-r .ri+;-t Aet. I1 -n 92 UVAU.uV.u H.W1WtrsVwv u ---v

Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1940, First- Continued. Appropriation for- Agriculture, Department of- ------- Agricultural land resources, con- servation and use of-- --- .. Agricultural Marketing Service --. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Bureau of------------------ Forest Service------------------ Audited claims----------.---. --- Benjamin Harrison Memorial Com- mission------------. -- -- - ___ _ Civil Service Commission---- .- --- Commerce, Department of -------- Census, Bureau of the ............ Damage claims -------- .- -- -- -- - __ District of Columbia------------- Contingent and miscellaneous ex- penses ------------ _---- -- Electrical Department-- -------- Fire Department---------- .. . . Policemen's and firemen's relief- - Printing and binding--------. -- - Public schools---------------- Federal Loan Agency-------------- Federal Security Agency ---------- Federal Works Agency ---. ----- -- Work Projects Administration --. Gallipolis Sesquicentennial Commis- sion-. --- --- -- --- --- -- -.- --. Hoover, Herbert, procurement of por- trait of ---------

Interior, Department of the-------- Reclamation, Bureau of---------_ Territories, government in-------- Judgments- Court of Claims-------------.. . United States courts--------.-- .. Justice, Department of------------ Attorney General, Office of . -- -- - Federal Bureau of Investigation... Damage claims -- .. ... .. ... .. Penal and correctional institutions- United States courts----------- Labor, Department of------- ----- Immigration and Naturalization Service------------------ Wage and Hour Division -------- Legislative Branchof the Government- Architect of the Capitol, Office of__ House of Representatives ------- Maritime Commission, United States- National Labor Relations Board_- -- - National Mediation Board--------- National Railroad Adjustment Board----------------. --- Navy Department -------------- Damage claims---------------- Secretary, Office of the---------- Page 86 86 86 86 86 94 83 84 87 87 92 85 85 85 86 86 85 85 84 84 84 84 84 83 87 87 87 94 93 87 87 88 88 88 88 88 88 89 83 83 83 85 84 85 85 89 89 89 XXXI