Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1307

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District of Columbia-Continued. Page Fire-insurance premiums, use of funds for, restriction------------_ ____ _ 312 Gallinger Municipal Hospital, residents of D. C . for less than 1 year, restric- tion on use of funds for ----- _-- - 323 Horses, vehicles, etc., authority to hire, purchase, and maintain- -- ___ __ - 341 Inaugural ceremonies, 1941. See sep- arate title. Income tax. See Revenue Act of 1939, amendments, this title. Indeterminate Sentence and Parole, Board of-- Parole of prisoners --- _- ---- ---_ 243, 244 Salaries and expenses, appropriation authorized ------------------ 242 Insurance. See Fire and Casualty Act, this title. Junior colleges, accrediting of; entrance requirements, etc____- -- - -- -- -- -_ 729 Jury commissioners, compensation----- 209 Jury service, leave of absence and pay to employees for------------------- 689 Juvenile Court Act, amendment, juris- diction, adults ----------------- 735 Liens on motor vehicles, etc., provisions for recording and releasing of-- -- - 736 Appropriation authorized-------- __ _ 740 Penalty for violations-------------- 739 Life Insurance Act, amendments- Creditor's group policies ---------- . 726 General deposit by companies ---- .. - 217 List of supplies, etc., use of funds for printing, forbidden-------------- 311 Marshall, John, statue of, removal to new site authorized-------------- 260 Materials, supplies, etc., purchase of; conditions---------------------- 342 Metropolitan Police Department- Capitol Police Board, detail of person- nel to, authorized; duties, etc--- 629 Memorial fountain to, acceptance and maintenance of, authorized- . . - 157 Retirement of members------------ 1118 Military supplies, etc., issued to high schools by War Department, bond not required ------------------- 317 Minorpurchaseswithoutadvertising_ 342, 1110 Miscellaneous trust fund, expenses pay- able from---.---------------- 342 Motor vehicle liens, provisions for recording and releasing of- . .- - 736 Appropriation authorized--- -. -- -- 740 Penalty for violations ------------- 739 Municipal Center, parking of auto- mobiles------------------------ 241 Violations, penalty --------------- 242 Murder, first and second degree, defini- tinnas. . 347 District of Columbia-Continued. National Training School for Girls, limitation on average per capita amount for maintenance -_ _- -_ _ _ Pandering, penalty provisions ______- Park police, retirement ------ .. .. .. .. Parking facilities, program to provide; study authorized -------- _ ____ __ Podiatry, regulation, etc., of________ Police Department. See Metropolitan Police Department, this title. Potomac Valley Conservancy District, consent of Congress granted to com- pact creating .- -


Printing and binding, approval of requisitions for------------- _- __ _ Page 328 1225 1118 338 696 748 311 Prisoners- Escape, assisting in, etc., penalty-. -- 243 Good conduct, deduction from sen- tence for--------------------- 245 Parole of--------------------- 243, 244 Removal to institution designated by Attorney General, authority of Board of Parole --------------- 243 Prostitution. See Pandering, this title. Public assistance, limitations on monthly payments--------------------- 329 Public schools- Alcohol and narcotics, lectures on effects of -------------------- 316 Army, Navy, etc., personnel, admit- tance of children free---------- 319 Automobile driving, instruction au- thorized ----------------- __ 316 Board of Education employees, leave of absence for educational pur- poses; compensation, etc------- 349 Equipment, approval of requisitions for, by Commissioners--------- 319 Exit requirements, buildings ------- 321 Librarians, limitation on pay rates -- 316 Solicitation of subscriptions, etc., restriction on.- -- --......... Teachers- Leave of absence for educational purposes; compensation, etc__ Nature study, etc., designation of months in which ten salary payments to be made ------ Placing of unassigned, etc., in vacancies ------------- _ Under-age children, restriction on instruction of----------- ..... Public Works Administration, reduc- tion of interest rate on certain loans made through.- -- -- -- -- -- ... .. .. Recorder of deeds building, advance- ments of funds for construction authorized------------------- 319 349 319 316 320 706 757 INDEX XXXVII vv------------- ---