Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1311

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INDEX Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, Page 1941-Continued. Removal of persons employed on proj- ects longer than 18 months; resto- ration -------- _--..---------. . 620 Reports to Congress----------------- 624 Salary restriction------------------- 625 Separations, retention of employees ac- cording to State population------ 622 Soldiers, sailors, etc., preferential status in retention ------------------- 622 Sponsor contributions, non-Federal proj- ects, disposition of, etc-------- 618, 619 State, etc., cooperation in meeting un- employment problem ------------ 623 Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933, amendment----------------- 626 Theater projects, restriction on use of funds for---------------------- 623 Uncertified relief workers, employment restriction -------------------- 620 Uncompensated services, acceptance of- 622 Virgin Islands, minimum wages in, ap- pointment of industry committees, etc- ------------------------ 615, 616 Work Projects Administration- Administrative expenses, limitation-_ 613 Apportionment of funds--------- 611, 613 Commissioner, detail of Army officer as; compensation, etc--------- 614 Construction equipment, restriction on purchase ------------------- 612 Extension to June 30, 1941------- 614 Federal projects, funds available for completion of----------------- 611 Fraud, etc., on part of sponsor, liabil- ity of persons concerned-------- 613 Limitation on use of funds for other than labor costs--------------- 612 Medical, etc., expenses, cost borne by project employees ------------ 613 Military or naval projects, use of funds for, authorized----------- 612 Non-Federal projects, allocation of cost; projects excepted, etc---- 613 Projects sponsored solely by, restric- tion on use of funds for-------- 623 Statements of personnel, etc., to Congress------------------- 613 Types of projects authorized-------- 612 Training for national defense pur- poses---------------------- 634 Emergency Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1940. See also Deficiency Appro- priation Acts; Urgent Deficiency Ap- propriation Act, 1940-------------- 22 Appropriation for- Agriculture, Department of--------- 34 Price Adjustment Act of 1938, pay- ments under -------------- - 34 XLI Emergency Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1940-Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. Justice, Department of ------------ Federal Bureau of Investigation. -- Navy Department ... ---- --- ---- -- Aeronautics, Bureau of----------- Construction and Repair, Bureau of ------------------------ Contingent expenses------------- Engineering, Bureau of---------- Hydrographic Office------------- Judge Advocate General, Office of- Marine Corps

Medicine and Surgery, Bureau of-_ Care of the dead------------- Medical Department--. .- -- - - -- Naval Communications, Office of Director of----------------- Naval Intelligence, Office of------ Naval Observatory---- . ..


Naval Operations, Office of Chief Page 33 33 28 31 29 33 29 32, 33 32 31 30, 32 31 30 32 32 32, 33 of------------------------ 32 Navigation, Bureau of---------- 28, 32 Instruments and supplies------ 29 Naval Reserve---------------- 29 Ocean and lake surveys------- 29 Training, education, and welfare- 28 Ordnance, Bureau of----, -- -- - 29 Printing and binding------------ 33 Salaries------------------------ 32 Secretary, Office of the---------- 28, 32 Supplies and Accounts, Bureau of- _ 30, 32 Fuel and transportation------- 30 Maintenance -------------- 30 Pay, subsistence, and transporta- tion --------------- - 30 Yards and Docks, Bureau of ----- 81 Contilgent expense ----------- 31 Maittenance ----------------- 31 Public works --------...- -- --- 31 Treasury Department.--

33 Coast Guard----------------- 33 War Department-- -------------- 22 Adjutant General's Department-_- 22, 23 Welfare of enlisted men-------- 23 Air Corps--------------------- 25 Cavalry, Chief of ------------- 26 Chemical Warfare Service-------- 26 Citizens' Military Training------- 27 Reserve Officers' Training Corps- 27 Coast Artillery, Chief of--------- 26 Coast Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va--------------- 26 Contingent expenses, Department- 23 Engineers, Corps of-------------- 26 Finance Department-..

22,24 Finance Service------------- 24 Pay of the Army------------ 24 Travel of the Army------------ 24 AewI-- -