Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1313

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INDEX Eureka, Calif., Naval Radio Station, ap- Page propriation for construction work, etc- -------------------------- . 880 European Corn' Borer Control, appropria- tion for ------------------------- 553 Everglades Region, Fla., appropriation for emergency erosion control; State contribution--------- .- - - -- - - - -- - . 560 Excess Profits: Army or Navy equipment, contracts for, restrictions--------- .- -- - -- - -- 677, 883 Suspension of provisions-----------1003 Defense tax on-------------------- . 521 Excess Profits Tax Act of 1940. See under Revenue Act of 1940, Second. Excise Taxes, continuation of---------- 522 Defense-tax rate ------------------- 522 Executive Departments. See Govern- ment Departments and Agencies. Executive Office of the President. See President of the United States. Executive Orders. See President of the United States. Expatriation. See Nationality Act of 1940. Explosives, regulation of carriage of, by vessels------------------------ . 1023 Export-Import Bank of Washington: Appropriation for --------------- 84, 119 Arms, ammunition, etc., prohibition on loans for purchase of ------------ 38 Continuance of functions------------- 962 Governments in default, restriction on loans to ----------------------- 38 Lending authority increased -------- 38, 961 Limitation on aggregate amount of loans to any one foreign country ------ 38 Repeal of provision --------------- 962 Outstanding obligations, increase au- thorized----------------------- 962 Western Hemisphere, countries of, loans to------------------------ Exports. See also Neutrality Act of 1939. Certification of, appropriation for----- F Fabrics. See Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939. Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938: Amendments- Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands- Home workers, establishment of minimum piece rates for, etc-- Industry committees, appointment authorized .-------. -------- Minimum wage provisions, super- seding of certain ---------- Appropriation for expenses, child-labor provisions --------------------- Fargo, N. Dak., grant of easement across certain U. S. land authorized------- 193470°-41 - -rT. --- 81 961 554 616 615 616 578 503 Farm Credit Administration. See Agricul- ture, Department of. Farm Forestry, Cooperative, appropriation for----------

Farm Island, S. Dak., maintenance as amusement park and wild-game refuge ------------- .....------.- Farm Marketing Quotas, wheat, inappli- cability to small-crop farms--- .. .-- Farm Mortgage Act of 1933, Emergency, Amendment, extension of time for making loans to farmers ----------- Farm Mortgage Corporation, Federal. See Agriculture, Department of. Farm Security Administration. See Agri- culture, Department of. Farm Tenant Act: Appropriation for carrying provisions into effect ----------- . - - -. - . . Acquisition of farms, loans for---- Land utilization and retirement of submarginal land------------ Resettlement projects, liquidation and management---------_ -. .- --- Farmers: Appropriation for- Bulletins, printing, etc-- --------- Crop production and harvesting loans. Rural rehabilitation and relief ---- Cooperative associations, District of Columbia, exemption from tax---- Insolvency petitions, extension of time for filing....................- -- "Farmer" construed ------------- Rural rehabilitation loans. -- - -- . . - - Penalty for unlawful use of proceeds. Fayetteville, Ark., terms of district court Page 405 232 19 664 564 534 569 614 734 40 40 614 616 at--------.-------------------- 109 Federal Aid Highway Act of 1938, Amend- ment: Roadside and landscape development.- 870 Purchase of adjacent strips of land, limitation --. -- -. .-- -- .- -- -. 870 Federal-Aid Highway System, appropria- tion for --------------.- -.. _----_ 128 Federal-Aid Highways. SeeFederal High- way Act of 1940. Federal Alcohol Administration. See Treasury Department. Federal Alcohol Administration Act, ap- proval of compromises under, transfer of functions to Treasury Department_ 1234 Federal Areas, extension of certain State, etc., taxes to----------------- 1059 Federal Bureau of Investigation. See Justice, Department of. Federal Communications Commission: Appropriation for-------------- 118, 1032 Great Lakes, etc., navigation, extension of time for report on radio require- ments for--------.--------- --- 54 XII