Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1321

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INDEX Foster, Horace G. (Lt. Col.), credit in ac- counts of----------------------- Fourteenth Naval District: Appropriation for- Improvements -------------------- Mooring facilities, etc., Pearl Harbor, T. H---- ------- ------ ----- Contracts on cost-plus-a -fixed-fee basis; limitation on fixed fee----------- France, appropriation for ambassador to- Frankford Creek, Pa., declared nonnavi- gable stream -------------------- Franking Privilege: Pan American Sanitary Bureau, exten- sion to------------------------ Widows of ex-Presidents, use of fac- simile of signature-------------- Freedmen's Hospital, D. C .: Appropriation for ------------------ Transfer to Federal Security Agency_- French Camp, Miss., modification of cer- tain restrictions on use of privately owned lands along Natchez Trace Parkway-------------------------- Friar Point, Miss., time extended for bridging Mississippi River at------- Fruit Crops and Diseases, appropriation for investigations ---------------- Fruit Insects, appropriationfor control of- Fruitlands Irrigation Project, N. Mex., appropriation for ---------------- Fuel, appropriation for testing ---------- Fuel-Storage Facilities, Naval, appropria- tion for construction of..---------. Fund for Payment of Government Losses In Shipment, appropriation for---- Fur Resources Investigations, appropria- tion for--------. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - G Gaging Streams, appropriation for----- Gaithersburg, Md., appropriation for lati- tude observatory--- ------------- Galiano, La., bridge across Bayou La- fourche at, legalization authorized--- Gallery of Art, National, appropriationfor- Gallinger Municipal Hospital, D. C., ap- propriation for-------------------- Gallipolis Sesquicentennial Commission, appropriation for----------------- Report to Congress----------------- Gallup-Shiprock Highway, N. Mex., ap- propriation for maintenance of por- tion within Navajo Reservation ---- Galveston, Tex, appropriation for hydro- graphic office ------------------- Galveston County, Tex, conveyance of certain land to, authorized-- ------ Gaaado Irrigation Project, Ari., appro- priation for--------------------- Page 495 881 281 395 183 262 695 172 461 1236 1227 222 544 551 421 442 608 58 452 439 198 226 137 637 84 84 43( 29( 2( 411 Gas and Oil: Appropriation for investigations--- .-- Conservation, inclusion by States in agreements for, of lands, etc., ac- quired from U. S--------------. Leases, waiver of rentals in certain, by Secretary of the Interior---------- 3atun, C. Z ., Naval Radio Station, ap- propriation for construction work, etc- General Accounting Office: Agriculture, Department of, transfer of funds for certain administrative ex- penses ------------------ -- Appropriation for------------------ Building, site and construction------ Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, 1941, administrative expenses - - Claims against U. S ., barring of------- Estates of American citizens who die abroad, disposition of proceeds and effects----------------------- Purchases without advertising...-- -.. General Anthony Wayne Memorial Com- mission, appropriation for, continued available------------------------ General Disarmament Conference, unex- pended balances continued available - General Grant National Park, Calif.: Abolishment; addition to Kings Canyon National Park as General Grant grove section ----------------- Appropriation for administration, etc- General Headquarters Air Force, com- manding general, retirement -------- General Land Office. See Interior, De- partnent of the. General Petroleum Corporation. San Diego, Calif., transfer to I. 8 . of area held under lease by -------- . General Pulaski's Memorial Day, I'rei- dent authorized to invite observance- General Staff Corps. See War Depart- ment. Genetics and Biophysics, appropriation for investigations------------------ Geodesy and Geophysics, International Union of, appropriation for contribu- tion---------------------------- Geographical Union, International, appro- priation for contribution--------- . Geography and History, Pan American Institute of, appropriation for contri- bution-------------------------- Geologic Surveys, appropriation for.- -- Geological Survey, Bureau of. See In- terior, Department of the. George, Preston L., payment to.- - - - - - - - George Washington Statue of, selection of site, etc., in District of Columbia; appropriation authorized ... -.. .. ... Page 442 17 742 881 561 131 (1036 617 1061 759 1109 634 651 43 446 1116 146 231 544 188 1S8 188 439 630 299 LI