Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1357

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Navajo Reservation, Ariz.-N . Mex.: Page Appropriation for- Construction and repair of buildings- 431 Fruitlands irrigation project ------- 421 Gallup-Shiprock Highway, mainte- nance of portion of------------ 430 Hogback irrigation project ------ _ --_ 421 Irrigation projects ------------ 419, 422 Land, leasing of----------------- 414 Purchase of ------------------- 414 Sheep-breeding station ------------ 417 Support, etc ---------------------- 427 Exchange of lands within, authorized- _ 746 Tribal organizations, etc., restriction on expenditures for---------------- 413 Naval Academy: Additional midshipmen, appointment authorized --------- ----------- 867 Admissions after Jan. 30, 1940, restric- tions on------------------------ 277 Age limits for candidates for admission- 959 Appropriation for------------------- 270 Construction work, etc----------- 608, 877 Rogers, Henry H., ship models be- queathed by, care of----------- 271 Enlisted personnel, appointments from- 277 Sea service requirements ----------- 277 Morton, Sterling, acceptance of yacht Freedom from, authorized ------- 241 Museum, active-duty pay, etc., to re- tired officer assigned for duty as curator---- ---_--------------- 275 Swordsmanship and physical training, limitation on number of instruc- Naval Aviation Personnel Act of 1940- Page Continued. Naval Reserve Act of 1938, amend- ments-Continued. Chief warrant officers, pay and allow- ances------------------------ 865 Honorary retired list, length of serv- ice required ------------------ 865 Precedence of officers------------- 865 Sunday drills, compensation ------- 865 Naval Aviation Reserve Act of 1939: Officers commissioned in Naval or Ma- rine Corps Reserve pursuant to, service bonus------------------- 865 Repeal of designated provisions ------- 865 Naval Aviation Shore Facilities, appropria- tion for construction of------------ 294 Naval Consulting Board, establishment, etc., of-------------

395 Appropriation authorized------------ 396 Naval Home, Philadelphia, Pa., appro- priation for --------------------- 271 Naval Net Depots, appropriation for con- struction of---------------------- 294 Appropriation authorized------------- 401 Naval Observatory, appropriation for --- 32, 33,288,291,610 Naval Operations, Chief of, additional duties prescribed------------------ 494 Naval Petroleum Reserves: Appropriation for- Operation and conservation------- 267, 648 Protection of U. S . interests in matters affecting oil lands in former----- 135 Naval officers, retired, active-duty pay to, assigned to------------------ 275 Naval Records of World War, appropria- tion for preparation, etc------------ 289 Naval Research Laboratory, appropriation for---------------------- 266, 608, 881 Naval Reserve. See under Navy. Naval Reserve Act of 1938, Amendments: Advancements; pay and allowances--- 865 Chief warrant officers, pay and allow- ances------------------------- 865 Fleet Reserve, transfer from, to retired list of regular Navy; service in- cluded------------------------- 162 Double-time credit---------------- 162 Honorary retired list, length of service required----------- --------- 865 Precedence of officers --------------- 865 Sunday drills, compensation --------- 865 Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps: Appropriation for expenses----------- 268 Naval Academy, appointments to, tors--------------------------- Wolfe, Dudley F., property bequeathed by, acceptance authorized ------- Appropriation authorized-- ------- Naval Aviation Facilities, establishment, etc., appropriation authorized ----- Shore facilities, appropriation for con- struction of--------------- ----- Naval Aviation Personnel Act of 1940--- Marine Corps enlisted personnel, dis- tribution ------------------- Naval Aviation Reserve Act of 1939- Officers commissioned in Naval or Marine Corps Reserve pursuant to, service bonus ----------- Repeal of designated provisions- Naval aviators- Appointments to Regular Navy and Marine Corps from Naval and Marine Corps Reserve ------- Disability and death benefits- --- Promotion, etc., eligibility for --- Definition, amendment------------ Naval Reserve Act of 1938, amend- ments- Advancements; pay and allowances- 270 179 179 400 294 864 865 865 865 864 864 864 866 865 from _---------------------- Personnel limit increased------------ Uniforms, etc., furnishing from surplus stocks authorized. ----- ----- -- 277 884 INDEX LXXXVII