Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1391

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CXXI Sugar Act of 1937-Continued. Amendments-Continued. Hawaii, direct-consumption quota- - Philippine Islands, payments to-- -. Prices, consumer safeguard -- _ _ -_ _ - Puerto Rico, direct-consumption quota ---- ___---____________- Secretary of Agriculture, termination of powers of -__ ___ _--- -__ ___ _ Appropriation for administrative ex- penses --------- _____ ________.- Payments under, with respect to 1940 sugar-cane crop ---- ____ _____ __- Sugar Council, International, appropria- tion for share of expenses ------ ___. Sugar-Plant Investigations, appropriation for ----------- __----__._-_______- Sullivans Island, S. C., grant of certain lands to U. S_ - ___ ___. ___. __ .- - Summit, C. Z., Naval Radio Station, ap- propriation for construction work, etc -------------------. ____--___ Sun River Project, Mont., appropriation for construction - --- ______________ Sunset Sea Food Co., San Diego, Calif., transfer to U. S . of area held under lease by--.......---- _-....--- -- Superintendent of Documents, appropria- tion for office of ------- __________ Superior, Wis., time extended for bridging St. Louis River at-_............... Superior Oil Co., construction of bridge across old channel of Wabash River, Cut-Off Island, Ind.- White County, I1 --------------------- .......- - - Supreme Court, United States. See United States Courts. Surgeons, additional acting assistant, Navy, appointment authorized- . .. . Surplus Agricultural Commodities, ap- propriation for disposal of-.... .... Surplus Commodities Corporation. See Federal Surplus Commodities Cor- poration. Surplus Marketing Administration. See Agriculture, Department of. Susquehanna River: Bridge authorized across, at- Middletown, Pa_---___.--------... Millersburg, Pa -------- __________ Wyalusing, Pa ---- __.- - ___ ____ ___ Time extended for bridging, at Harris- burg, Pa- _---____.__----..---_ Swanson, Albert F., payment to, for con- tested-election expenses ----- ___--- Sweden, appropriation for minister to__ - Sweetpotato Weevil Control, appropria- tion for--------------------- ____ Swinomish Indians, Wash., appropriation for support, etc------------------- Switzerland, appropriation for minister to- Page 117! 1171 109; 1171 1171 56; 1092 563 54E 26( 881 435 146 479 172 173 54 563 169 170 173 729 1031 183 551 428 183 T quired ----------------------. .. reaneck, N. J ., limit of cost of construc- tion of post office increased......._ _ relecommunication Union, Bureau of In- ternational, Radio Section, appropria- tionfor contribution ----.......... "elephones, use in Foreign Service resi- dences abroad, allowance from Gov- ernment funds ..- -- -- -- -- -- -.. .. . 632 633 187 175 INDEX Tacoma, Wash.: Appropriation for- Indian sanatorium, construction and repair, etc--- _- -- -- -- -- -- -- _ 427, 431 Puyallup tribal property, acquisition of -------------------------- 431 Taholah Indians, Wash., appropriation for support, etc. --- -- _-------------- 428 Talihina Sanatorium and Hospital, Okla., appropriation for------------- ___ __ 426 Tampa, Fla.: Marjorie Park, Davis Island, transfer of land for quarantine station ___ - -- - 787 Appropriation for construction, etc., authorized ------------------- 787 Taos Hospital, N. Mex., appropriation for- 426 Tariff Act of 1930: Amendments- Customs Court, U. S ., organization of, transfer of provisions to Judicial Code -------------------- ___ 1101 Trade agreements, authority of Presi- dent to enterinto, time extension 107 Imports produced, etc., under process covered by U. S . patent, limitation on --------- ---.------ __.-- 724 Tariff Commission: American republics, cooperation with, transfer of funds from Department of State ----------------------- 652 Appropriation for ------. . --. --- --- _ 137 Commissioners- Restriction on payment of salary to, appearing in certain proceed- ings --------- .- -- .- -- -- -- - _ 137 Salary rates -------------- . __.-- _ 141 Purchases without advertising -------- 1109 Red cedar shingles, investigations with respect to; imposition of duty on, etc .. --

.. --.

.--------- 708 Fax Appeals, Board of, appropriation for- 114 Faxes. See also Income Tax; Revenue Act of 1940; Revenue Act of 1940, Second. State, extension of certain, to Federal areas ----------------------- 1059 Wines, wine spirits, etc -------------- 513 Taylor, J. Will, payment to widow of - -_ 35 Fea Importation Act, appropriation for en- forcement----------_ _ _

_ --- - _ 632 Examination of tea, deposit of fee re- Page