Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/219

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54 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CH. 189-MAY 14, 1940 United States and during transit to and from homes in the United States upon the beginning and after termination of service, $2,837,000. Miscellaneous salaries and allowances, Foreign Service: For sala- ries or compensation of kavasses, guards, dragomans, porters, inter- preters, prison keepers, translators, archive collators, Chinese writers, messengers, couriers, telephone operators, supervisors of con- struction, and custodial and operating force for maintenance and operation of Government-owned and leased diplomatic and consular properties in foreign countries; compensation of agents and employ- ees of dispatch agencies at New York, San Francisco, Seattle, and New Orleans, including salaries during transit to and from their homes in the United States upon the beginning and after termina- tion of service in foreign countries; operation of motor-propelled and other passenger- and non-passenger-carrying vehicles; for allow- ances to consular officers, who are paid in whole or in part by fees, for services necessarily rendered to American vessels and seamen, as provided in the Act of June 26, 1884 (22 U. S. C. 89; 46 U. S. C. 101); and such other miscellaneous personal services as the President may deem necessary, $697,000: Provided, That no part of this appro- priation shall be expended for salaries or wages of persons not American citizens performing clerical services (except interpreters, translators, and messengers), whether officially designated as clerks or not, in any foreign mission: Provided further, That the Secretary of the Navy is authorized, upon request by the Secretary of State, to assign enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps to serve as custodians, under the immediate supervision of the Secretary of State or the chief of mission, whichever the Secretary of State shall direct, at embassies, legations, or consulates of the United States located in foreign countries. Contingent expenses, Foreign Service: For stationery; blanks; record and other books; seals; presses; flags; signs; military equip- ment and supplies; repairs and alterations; repairs, preservation, and maintenance of Government-owned and leased diplomatic and con- sular properties in foreign countries, including water, materials, sup- plies, tools, seeds, plants, shrubs, and similar objects; newspapers (for- eign and domestic); freight; postage; telegrams; advertising; ice and drinking water for office purposes; purchase, maintenance, and hire of motor-propelled or horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles, and exchange, purchase, maintenance, and hire of other passenger-carry- ing vehicles; exchange of trucks; insurance of official motor vehicles in foreign countries when required by the law of such countries; funds for establishment and maintenance of commissary service; uniforms; furniture; household furniture and furnishings, except as provided by the Act of May 7, 1926, as amended (22 U. S . C . 292-299), for Govern- ment-owned or rented buildings; typewriters, adding machines, and other labor-saving devices, and exchange of same; maintenance and rental of launch for embassy in Turkey, not exceeding $3,500, includ- ing personnel for operation; rent and other expenses for dispatch agencies at New York, San Francisco, Seattle, and New Orleans; traveling expenses, including the transportation of members of families and personal effects of diplomatic officers or Foreign Service officers acting as charges d'affaires in traveling to seats of government at which they are accredited other than the city of usual residence and returning to the city of usual residence; loss by exchange; payment in advance for subscriptions to commercial information, telephone and other similar services; burial expenses and expenses in connection 185 Miscellaneous sal- aries and allowances. Dispatch agencies. Salaries during transit. Vehicles. Services to Ameri- can seamen, etc. 23 Stat. 56. Proi'sos. Citizenship require- ment. Naval assignments as custodians. Contingent ex- penses, Foreign Serv- ice. Post, p. 650. Vehicles. Commissary sorv- Ice. Government build- ings abroad. 44 Stat. 403 . 22 U. S. C., Supp. V, §§ 292-297 . Traveling, etc., ex- penses.