Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/243

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54 STAT.] 76TH CONG., 3D SESS.-CH. 189-MAY 14, 1940 UNITED STATES COURT FOR CHINA Salaries and expenses: For salaries of the judge and other officers and employees of the United States Court for China; allowances for living quarters, including heat, fuel, and light, as authorized by the Act approved June 26, 1930 (5 U. S . C. 118a), not to exceed $1,700 for any one person and in no event to exceed the amount actually and reasonably expended by the recipient of such allowances for living quarters, including heat, fuel, and light; court expenses, including reference and law books, printing and binding, ice and drinking water for office purposes, traveling expenses of officers and employees of the court, and, under such regulations as the Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts may pre- scribe, of their families and effects, in going to and returning from their posts; preparation and transportation of remains of officers and employees who may die abroad or in transit while in the dis- charge of their official duties to their former homes in the United States, or to a place not more distant for interment and for the ordi- nary expenses of such interment; including travel expenses of officers and employees of the court and of their dependents, while en route to or from places of temporary refuge in time of war, political dis- turbance, earthquake, epidemic, or similar emergency and for per diem in lieu of subsistence of such officers, employees, and their dependents, while in a refugee status, $28,000. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS OF EXPENSE Salaries of judges: For salaries of circuit judges; district judges (including two in the Territory of Hawaii, one in the Territory of Puerto Rico, four in the Territory of Alaska, and one in the Virgin Islands); and judges retired under section 260 of the Judicial Code, as amended, and section 518 of the Tariff Act of 1930; in all, $3,030,000: Provided, That this appropriation shall be available for the salaries of all United States justices and circuit and district judges lawfully entitled thereto, whether active or retired. Salaries and expenses, clerks of courts: For salaries of clerks of United States circuit courts of appeals and United States district courts, their deputies, and other assistants, and expenses of conduct- ing their respective offices, $2,330,000. Fees of commissioners: For fees of the United States commis- sioners and other committing magistrates acting under section 1014, Revised Statutes (18 U. S. C . 591), $290,000. Fees of jurors: For mileage and per diems of jurors; meals and lodging for jurors in United States cases when ordered by the court, and meals and lodging for jurors in Alaska, as provided by section 193, title II, of the Act of June 6, 1900 (28 U. S. C . 9, 557-570, 595, 596), and compensation for jury commissioners, $5 per day, not exceeding three days for any one term of court, $1,970,000: Provided, That the compensation of jury commissioners for the District of Columbia shall conform to the provisions of title 18, chapter 10, sec- tion 341, of the Code of the District of Columbia, but such compen- sation shall not exceed $250 each per annum. Miscellaneous salaries: For salaries of all officials and employees of the Federal judiciary, not otherwise specifically provided for, $885,000: Provided, That the maximum salary paid to any secretary or law clerk to any circuit or district judge shall not exceed $2,500 per annum: Provided further, That this limitation shall not operate to reduce the compensation of any secretary now employed: Pro- vided fwrther, That none of this fund shall be used for the pay of a law clerk appointed by a district judge unless the senior circuit judge of the circuit (the District of Columbia being considered a 193470°-41 -PT. I -14 Salaries and ex- penses. 46 Stat. 818 . Bringing home re- mains from abroad, etc. Salaries of judges. Retired judges. 28U. S. C. §375. 46 Stat. 737. 19 U.S. C.. 1518. Proviso. Availability. Clerks of courts, etc. Comnmisioncrs, fte. Post, p. 646. Jurors; fees, mileage, per diemns. Ante, pp. 61, 68. 31 Stat. 362. 28 U. S. C., Supp. V, §§557-569. Jury commissioners. Proviso. Compensation of, for D. C., to conform to D. C. Code. Miscellaneous sal- aries. Post, p. 644 . Provisos. Secretaries or law clerks, salary limita- tion. Secretaries now em- ployed. Appointments, cer- tificates of necessity. 209