Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/247

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54 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CHS. 192-194-MAY 14, 1940 separate fiscal years, of each of their first three periods of active-duty training of three months or less, following their original appointment, during which periods the uniform is required to be worn. Approved, May 14, 1940. [CHAPTER 193] AN ACT 213 May 14, 1940 To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to grant a right-of-way to the Highway [S. 3262] Commission of the State of Montana. [Public, No. 512] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed to grant to the Highway Commission of the State of Montana a permanent right to use for highway purposes that part of the property owned by the United States, known as the Bozeman, Montana, fisheries station, in the south half of the northwest quarter of section 34, township 1 south, range 6 east, Montana principal meridian, in Gallatin County, Montana, for which a revocable license, dated December 23, 1938, was granted by the Secretary of Commerce. Such right shall be granted upon con- dition that a public highway shall be maintained across such property and upon such other conditions as the Secretary of the Interior deems necessary to protect the interests of the United States. Approved, May 14, 1940. [CHAPTER 194] AN ACT To amend the National Defense Act of June 3, 1916, as amended, to provide for enlistments in the Army of the United States in time of war, or other emergency declared by Congress, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled That section 127a, added to the National Defense Act of June 3, 1916 (39 Stat. 166), by section 51 of the Act of June 4, 1920 (41 Stat. 785), as amended, be, and the same is hereby, further amended by inserting after the concluding paragraph thereof a new paragraph to read as follows: "In time of war or other emergency declared by Congress, all enlistments in the active military service of the United States shall be in the Army of the United States without specification of any particular component or unit thereof and shall be for the duration of the war or other emergency plus six months, subject in each case to earlier discharge at the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law. Eligibility for such enlistment shall be limited to persons not less than eighteen years of age and otherwise qualified under such regulations as the Secretary of War shall prescribe. The oath or affirmation of enlistment set forth in Article of War 109 shall be used and may be taken before any officer of the Army of the United States. All persons enlisted at any time in the Army of the United States or any component thereof, as long as they continue in the military service, shall, in time of war or other emergency declared by Congress, be available for assignment to duty with any unit of the Army of the United States and may be freely transferred from one unit to another, regardless of the component status of the units involved." Approved, May 14, 1940. Bozeman, Mont., fisheries station. Use of portion of property by State of Montana for highway purposes. Conditions. May 14, 1940 [S. 3470] [Public, No. 513] National Defense Act, amendment. Enlistments In time of war or other Oeer- gency. Duration. Eligibility. 41 Stat. 809. 10 U.S. C. § 1581. Assignments and transfers.