Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/296

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 302-304-JUNE 11, 1940 [CHAPTER 3021 June 11, 1940 [H. R . 8452] [Public, No. 584] Frankford Creek, Philadelphia, Pa. Declared nonnavi- gable stream. Amendment, etc. [54 STAT. AN ACT To declare Frankford Creek, Pennsylvania, to be a nonnavigable stream. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Frankford Creek, in the city of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, be, and the same is hereby, declared to be a nonnavigable stream within the meaning of the Constitution and laws of the United States. SEC. 2. That the right of Congress to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, June 11, 1940. [CHAPTER 303] AN ACT June 11, 1940 [H. . 9271] To extend the existence of the Alaskan International Highway Commission for [Public, No. 585] an additional four years, and for other purposes. Alaskan Interna- tional Highway Com- mission. Post, p. 1044. Extension of mem- bers' terms. 52 Stat. 590. Report to Presi- dent. Transmission of, to Congress. June 11, 1940 [H. R. 9394] [Public, No. 586] Cumberland Gap National Historical Park, Tenn., Ky. , and Va. Establishment of upon acquisition of title to lands, etc., by U.S. ProVos. Restriction on use of funds. Lands, etc., to be included. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the terms of the members of the Alaskan International Highway Commission appointed pursuant to the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to create a Commission to be known as the Alaskan International Highway Commission", approved May 31, 1938, shall be six years in lieu of two years as provided by such Act. SEC. 2. The last sentence of such Act of May 31, 1938, is amended to read as follows: "Said Commission shall, within two years after their appointment and at such other times as the Commission may deem advisable, report to the President the extent and results of their activities and of any conferences, relative to such highway, and the President shall transmit said reports to the Congress." Approved, June 11, 1940. [CHAPTER 304] AN ACT To provide for the establishment of the Cumberland Gap National Historical Park in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Virginia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That when title to all the lands, structures, and other property in the Cumberland Gap- Cumberland Ford areas, being portions of the Warriors Path of the Indians and Wilderness Road of Daniel Boone, within Bell and Harlan Counties, Kentucky; Lee County, Virginia; and Claiborne County, Tennessee; as may be determined by the Secretary of the Interior as necessary or desirable for national historical park purposes, shall have been vested in the United States such area or areas shall be, and they are hereby, established, dedicated, and set apart as a public park for the benefit and inspiration of the people and shall be known as the "Cumberland Gap National Historical Park": Pro- vided, That the United States shall not purchase by appropriation of public moneys any lands within the aforesaid areas: Provided further, That such area or areas shall include, at least, the following features and intervening lands: Cumberland Gap, The Pinnacle, the remaining fortifications of the War between the States, Soldiers Cave, King Solomon's Cave, Devils Garden, Sand Cave, The Doublings White Rocks Rocky Face, Moore Knob, and that portion of the Warriors Path and Daniel Boone's Wilderness Road extending from the city of Cumberland Gap, Tennessee, to Cumberland Ford, near Pineville, Kentucky. 262