Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/370

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52 Stat. way projects under section 1-b of the Federal Aid Highway Act of 23 U. S. C., Supp. ay ofoeo V, I 41b. 1938 (Public, Numbered 584, Seventy-fifth Congress), $635,000, to Proiso. remain available until June 30, 1942: Provided, That in connection Professional erv- ices. with the highway-planning survey, involving surveys, plans, engi- neering, and economic investigations of projects for future construc- 52 Stat. 63M. tion in the District of Columbia, as provided for under section 10 of V, ch. , note' the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1938, this fund shall be available to the extent authorized in said section for the employment of engineering or other professional services by contract or otherwise, and without reference to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (41 5 2StS.. 14 -674; U. S.C 5) the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, and civil- Supp. v , § 673, 673c. service requirements, and for engineering and incidental expenses; Grading; culverts, For grading streets, alleys, and roads, including construction of etc necessary culverts and retaining walls, $50,000; Pavingcenterstrips. For paving the unpaved center strips of paved roadways, $5,000; Minor changes. For minor changes in roadway and sidewalks on plans to be approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian traffic, $5,000; constrsuction o For construction of curbs and gutters, or concrete shoulders in connection with all forms of macadam roadways and adjustment of roadways thereto, together with resurfacing and replacing of base of such roadways where necessary $200,000; pauraeing, etc., For the surfacing and resurfacing or replacement of asphalt, granite block, or concrete pavements with the same or other approved material $350,000; tionBdg e,tc.t For construction, maintenance, operation, and repair of bridges, $50,000; treet, etc. , repirs For current work of repairs to streets, avenues, roads, and alleys, including the reconditioning of existing gravel streets and roads; for cleaning snow and ice from streets, sidewalks, cross walks, and gutters in the discretion of the Commissioners; and including the purchase, exchange, maintenance, and operation of non-passenger- carrying motor vehicles used in this work, $922,500, of which amount $97,500 shall be available exclusively for snow removal purposes, $18,000 thereof to be immediately available for reimbursement to the appropriation from which expenditures for such purposes have heretofore been made, and not to exceed $37,500 thereof to be avail- owremoval. able for the procurement of snow removal equipment: Provided, That appropriations contained in this Act for highways, sewers, city refuse, and the water department shall be available for snow removal when specifically and in writing ordered by the Commis- plant authorized sioners: Provided further, That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, should they deem such action to be to the advantage of the District of Columbia, are hereby authorized to purchase a past,plans, ed - municipal asphalt plant at a cost not to exceed $30,000: Provided further, That not exceeding $15,000 of the foregoing appropriation shall be available for the preparation of plans, working drawings, and specifications for the construction of an underpass at Scott Circle, including necessary changes in surface and underground structures within public property areas now occupied by roadways, wedearolct.ahigh sidewalks, walkways, parking, and park reservations: Provided further, That upon the completion and approval of such plans by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, the National Capital Park and Planning Commission, and the Fine Arts Commission, the said Commissioners are authorized to submit the project as a Federal-aid highway project to the Public Roads Administration 23U.s .C. ., spp.v. under the provisions of the Federal Aid Highway Act of June 8, 1938 (52 Stat. 633), and upon approval of such project by the Public Roads Ctrun etc. Administration the Commissioners are authorized to construct such underpass and perform such necessary incidental work and pay the PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 333-JUNE 12, 1940 [54 STA.T . 336