Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/441

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54 STAT.] 76TH CONG., 3D SESS.-CH. 395-JUNE 18, 1940 traveling expenses, including not to exceed $3,000 for expenses of attendance at meetings at which matters of importance to the work of the Consumers' Counsel Division are to be discussed, printing and binding, contract stenographic reporting services, stationery and office supplies and equipment, and not to exceed $1,000 for newspapers, books, and periodicals, $145,706. DIVISION OF TERRITORIES AND ISLAND POSSESSIONS For personal services in the District of Columbia, $118,780. 407 Personal services. DIVISION OF INVESTIGATIONS For investigating official matters under the control of the Depart- Invesigation ofo- ment of the Interior; for protecting timber on the public lands, and prtestion, etc.t b for the more efficient execution of the law and rules relating to the cutting thereof; for protecting public lands from illegal and fraudu- lent entry or appropriation; for adjusting claims for swamplands and indemnity for swamplands; and for traveling and other expenses of persons employed hereunder, $470,000, including not exceeding $42,370 for personal services in the District of Columbia; not exceed- ing $52,500 for the purchase, exchange, operation, and maintenance of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles and motorboats for the use of agents and others employed in the field service. The Statement of ex- Secretary of the Interior shall include in his annual report a full pentures. statement of all expenditures made under authority of this paragraph. GRAZING SERVICE For carrying out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to stop injury to the public grazing lands by preventing overgrazing and soil deterioration, to provide for their orderly use, improvement, and development, to stabilize the livestock industry dependent upon the public range, and for other purposes", approved June 28, 1934 (48 Stat. 1269), and as amended by the Acts of June 26, 1936 (49 Stat. 1976), and July 14, 1939 (53 Stat. 1002), including examination and classification of lands with respect to grazing or agricultural utility, preparation of land classification maps and reports, traveling and other necessary expenses, payments for the cost of packing, crating, and transportation (including drayage) of personal effects of employees upon permanent change of station, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, not to exceed $100,160 for personal services in the District of Columbia, not to exceed $30,000 for the purchase, exchange, operation, and maintenance of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, and not to exceed $1,000 for expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the work of the Grazing Service when authorized by the Secretary of the Interior, $680,000; for payment of a salary of $5 per diem while actually employed and for the payment of necessary travel expenses, exclusive of subsistence, of members of advisory committees of local stockmen, $70,000; in all, $750,000. For construction, purchase, and maintenance of range improve- ments within grazing districts, pursuant to the provisions of sections 10 and 11 of the Act of June 28, 1934 (48 Stat. 1269), and as amended by the Acts of June 26, 1936 (49 Stat. 1976), and July 14, 1939 (53 Stat. 1002), and not including contributions under section 9 of the Act of June 28, 1934, and for the leasing of State, county, and privately owned lands as provided under the Act of June 23, 1938 (52 Stat. 1033), $250,000: Provided, That expenditures hereunder shall not exceed 25 per centum of all moneys received from grazing districts under the provisions of said Act of June 28, 1934, as amended, during the fiscal years 1940 and 1941. Grazing Service, ex- penses. 43 U. . C.0. 315- 315n; Supp. V, §§315- 315o-1 . Classification of lands, etc. Personal services. Advisory com- mittees of local stock- men. Range improve- ments. 43U.S.C. §315i, 315j; Supp. V, II 315i 315j, 3150-1. 43U.S.C.I315h. 43 U. S. C., Supp. V, I 315m-1 . roimto. Limitation.