Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/463

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54 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CH. 395-JUNE 18, 1940 funds on deposit to the credit of the particular tribe concerned: Provided, That expenditures hereunder may be made without regard to section 3709, United States Revised Statutes, or to the Act of May 27, 1930 (46 Stat. 391), as amended. Expenses of tribal officers, Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma (tribal funds): For the current fiscal year money may be expended from the tribal funds of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole Tribes for equalization of allotments, per capita, and other payments authorized by law to individual members of the respective tribes, salaries and contingent expenses of the governor of the Chickasaw Nation and chief of the Choctaw Nation, one mining trustee for the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations, at salaries of $3,000 each for the said governor, said chief, and said mining trustee, chief of the Creek Nation at $600 and one attorney each for the Choctaw and Chickasaw Tribes employed under contract approved by the President under existing law: Provided,That the expenses of the above-named officials shall be determined and limited by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs at not to exceed $2,500 each. Support of Osage Agency and pay of tribal officers, Oklahoma (tribal funds): For the support of the Osage Agency, and for neces- sary expenses in connection with oil and gas production on the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma, including pay of necessary employees, the tribal attorney and his stenographer, one special attorney in tax and other matters, and pay of tribal officers; payment of damages to individual allottees; repairs to buildings, rent of quarters for employees, traveling expenses, printing, telegraphing, and telephon- ing, and purchase, repair, and operation of automobiles, $184,080, payable from funds held by the United States in trust for the Osage Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma: Provided,That not more than $1,800 may be used for the employment of a curator for the Osage Museum, which employee shall be an Osage Indian and shall be appointed with- out regard to civil-service laws and regulations upon the recommenda- tion of the Osage tribal council: Provided further, That this appro- priation shall be available, for traveling and other expenses, including not to exceed $5 per diem in lieu of subsistence, and not to exceed 5 cents per mile for use of personally owned automobiles, of members of the tribal council and other members of the tribe, when engaged on tribal business, including visits to the District of Columbia when duly authorized or approved in advance by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. The unexpended balance of the appropriation of Choctaw Tribal funds contained in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1940, for the relief of needy Choctaw Indians shall continue available until expended, and any revenue derived from the rehabili- tation projects operated thereunder shall be available for such pur- poses as may be recommended by the chief of the Choctaw Nation, and approved by the superintendent of the Five Civilized Tribes Agency. Expenses of tribal councils or committees thereof (tribal funds): For traveling and other expenses of members of tribal councils, busi- ness committees, or other tribal organizations, when engaged on business of the tribes, including supplies and equipment, not to exceed $5 per diem in lieu of subsistence, and not to exceed 5 cents per mile for use of personally owned automobiles, and including not more than $25,000 for visits to Washington, District of Columbia, when duly authorized or approved in advance by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, $50,000, payable from funds on deposit to the credit of the particular tribe interested: Provided, That, except for the Navajo Tribe, not more than $5,000 shall be expended from the funds of any 429 Proeiso. Expenditures. 41U .S.c 6. 18U. S. C. §744a. Five Civilized Tribes, Okla. Expenses ef tribal officers. Proviso. Limitation on ex- penses. OsageAgency, Okla. Agency, etc., ex- penses. Provisos. Employment of eu- rator for Museum. Travel, etc. Relief of needy Choctaw Indians. ReapproprlatJon. 63 Stat. 710. Expenses of tribal councils, etc. Proviso*. Limitation on x- penditures.