Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/471

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54 STAT.] 76TH CONG., 3D SESS.-CH. 395-JUNE 18, 1940 necessary for such purposes; and for incidental operations, as au- thorized by the Boulder Canyon Project Act, approved December 21 1928 (43 U. S . C ., ch. 12A) $4,000,000, to be immediately available and to remain available until advanced to the Colorado River Dam fund; and there shall also be available from power and other reve- nues not to exceed $500,000 for operation and maintenance of the Boulder Dam, power plant, and other facilities, including pay- ment to the Boulder City School District, as reimbursement for instruction during the 1940-1941 school year in the schools operated by said district of each pupil who is a dependent of any employee of the United States living in or in the immediate vicinity of Boulder City, in the sum of $45 per semester per pupil in average daily attendance at said schools, payable after the term of instruction in any semester has been completed, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, and in addition thereto the sum of $18,000 shall be available from such revenues for the purchase of school equipment; which amounts of $4,000,000 and $500,000 shall be available for personal services in the District of Columbia (not to exceed $25,000) and in the field and for all other objects of expenditure that are specified for projects hereinbefore included in this Act, under the caption "Bureau of Reclamation, adminis- trative provisions and limitations", without regard to the amounts of the limitations therein set forth: Provided, That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and empowered, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, to establish rental rates for the lease of reserved lands of the United States situate within the exterior boundaries of Boulder City, Nevada, and, without prior advertising, to enter into leases therefor at not less than rates so established and for periods not exceeding fifty-three years from the date of such leases: Provided further, That all revenues which may accrue to the United States under the provisions of such leases shall be deposited in the Treasury and credited to the Colorado River Dam fund established by section 2 of the Boulder Canyon Project Act. Boulder Canyon project (All-American Canal): For continuation of construction of a diversion dam, and main canal (and appurte- nant structures including distribution and drainage systems) located entirely within the United States connecting the diversion dam with the Imperial and Coachella Valleys in California; to acquire by proceedings in eminent domain, or otherwise, all lands, rights-of- way, and other property necessary for such purposes; and for inci- dental operations, as authorized by the Boulder Canyon Project Act, approved December 21, 1928 (43 U. S. C., ch. 12A); to be immediately available and to remain available until advanced to the Colorado River Dam fund, $1,500,000, which amount shall be available for personal services in the District of Columbia (not to exceed $5,000) and in the field and for all other objects of expendi- ture that are specified for projects hereinbefore included in this Act under the caption "Bureau of Reclamation, Administrative provisions and limitations", without regard to the amounts of the limitations therein set forth. GENERAL FUND, CONSTRUCTION For continuation of construction of the following projects and for administrative expenses in not to exceed the following amounts, respectively, to be expended from the general fund of the Treasury in the same manner and for the same objects of expenditures as specified for projects included hereinbefore in this Act under the 437 45 Stat. 1057. Boulder City School District, reimburse- ment for instruction. Personal services. Ante, p. 433 . Provisos. Rental rates; leases. Credit of accrued revenues. 45 Stat. 1057. 43 U.S. . § 617a. Boulder Canyon (All-American Canal). Construction, etc. Acqulsitlonoflands, etc. 45 Stat. 1057. Personal services. Ante, p. 43 3. Construction of des- ignated projects, etc.; reimbursement. Post, p. 1041 .