Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/490

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 395-JUNE 18, 1940 Commutation of ra- tions. Inquiry respecting food fishes. Post,p. 643 . Fishery industries. Statistical studies. 15U.S. O.§0521, 622. Fishery market news service. Alaska, fisheries service. 36 Stat. 326. 16 U. S. C., Supp. v, §§ 631-658 . Enforcement of Black Bass and Whal- ing Treaty Acts. 46 Stat. 845 . 16U.S.C.if851- 855. 49 Stat. 1246 . 16 U. 8. C., Supp. v, §§ 901-915. Commutation of rations (not to exceed $1 per day) may be paid to officers and crews of vessels of the Bureau of Fisheries during the fiscal year 1941 under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior. Inquiry respecting food fishes: For inquiry into the cause of the decrease of food fishes in the waters of the United States and for investigation and experiments in respect to the aquatic animals, plants, and waters, in the interests of fish culture and the fishery industries, maintenance, repair, improvement, equipment, and operation of bio- logical stations, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles for official use in the field, preparation of reports, and not to exceed $500 for rent of suitable quarters in the Dis- trict of Columbia for laboratory and storage purposes, $371,835, of which sum not to exceed $280,400 may be expended for personal services. Fishery industries: For collection and compilation of statistics of the fisheries and the study of their methods and relations, and the methods of preservation and utilization of fishery products, and to enable the Secretary of the Interior to execute the functions imposed upon him by the Act entitled "An Act authorizing associations of pro- ducers of aquatic products", approved June 25, 1934 (48 Stat. 1213), including pay of permanent employees not to exceed $79,030, compen- sation of temporary employees, preparation of reports, contract steno- graphic reporting services, and all other necessary expenses in connec- tion therewith, including the purchase (not to exceed $1,100), ex- change, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled pas- senger-carrying vehicles for official use in the field, $150,640. Fishery market news service: For collecting, publishing, and dis- tributing, by telegraph, mail, or otherwise, information on the fishery industry, information on market supply and demand, commercial movement, location, disposition, and market prices of fishery products, with or without cooperation with any department or agency of the United States, or any State or Territory, or subdivision thereof, main- tenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles for official use in the field, purchase of equipment and supplies, preparation of reports and all other necessary expenses connected therewith, $78,900, of which not to exceed $13,020 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia. Alaska, fisheries service: For protecting the seal and sea otter fisheries of Alaska, including the furnishing of food, fuel, clothing and other necessities of life to the natives of the Pribilof Islands of Alaska; construction, improvement, repair, and alteration of build- ings and roads, transportation of supplies to and from the islands, subsistence of agents and other employees while on said islands, hire and maintenance of vessels, and for all expenses necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to protect the seal fisheries of Alaska, and for other purposes", approved April 21, 1910 (16 U. S . C . 631-658), and for the protection of the fisheries of Alaska, including pay of permanent employees not to exceed $74,440, contract stenographic reporting service, hire of boats, employment of temporary labor, and all other necessary expenses connected there- with, $280,540, of which $100,000 shall be available immediately. Enforcement of Black Bass and Whaling Treaty Acts: To enable the Secretary of the Interior to administer the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Act entitled 'An Act to regulate inter- state transportation of black bass, and for other purposes', approved May 20, 1926", approved July 2, 1930 (16 U. S. C . 851-856), and to execute the functions imposed upon him by The Whaling Treaty Act, approved May 1, 1936 (16 U. S . C . 901-015), $17,000, of which amount not to exceed $10,600 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia. 456 [54 STAT.