Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/54

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 20-FEB. 6, 1940 [CHAPTER 20] AN ACT February 6,1940 e s. 1820] To provide for the transfer of certain land owned by the United States to the [Public, No. 411] State of Texas; and certain other land to the county of Galveston, Texas. Texas. Conveyance of cer- tain land to, author- ized. Description. Galveston County, Tex. Conveyance of cer- tain land to, author- ized. Description. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War is authorized and directed to convey to the State of Texas, all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to all of that certain tract or parcel of land out of lot 525, section 1, Trimble and Lindsey Survey, Galveston Island, Texas, described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said lot 525 as established by United States Engineers for the southwest corner of a two and one- tenth acre tract owned by the United States of America and described in book 329, pages 628, Deed Records, Galveston County, Texas; thence north twenty-five degrees eleven minutes west along the west- erly line of said two and one-tenth acre tract one hundred and sixty- five feet to the northwest corner of said two and one-tenth acre tract two hundred and forty-one and nine-tenths minutes east along the northerly line of said two and one-tenth acre tract two hundred and forty-one and nine-tenths feet to a point in a right angle jog in the northerly right-of-way line of the State highway leading to the new causeway across Galveston Bay, as said State highway is shown on plat of record in the office of the county clerk, Galveston County, Texas, to which plat reference is hereby made; thence south twenty- nine degrees two minutes west perpendicular to said center line of proposed State highway thirty-two and six-tenths feet to a point two hundred feet perpendicularly distant northerly from said center line of proposed State highway; thence south sixty degrees fifty-eight minutes east parallel to said center line one hundred and eighty feet to the southerly line of said two and one-tenth acre tract; thence south sixty-four degrees forty-nine minutes west along the southerly line of said two and one-tenth acre tract three hundred and twenty feet to the place of beginning, contains nine hundred and ninety-six one-thousandths acre. It is the intention in the above description to include all of that por- tion of said two and one-tenth acre tract owned by the United States of America that is within the limits of the right-of-way of said State highway. SEC. 2. The Secretary of War is authorized and directed to convey to the county of Galveston, Texas, all the right, title, and interest of the United States in and to all of that certain tract or parcel of land out of lot 525, section 1, Trimble and Lindsey Survey, Galveston Island, Texas, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly right-of-way line of the State highway leading to the new causeway across Galveston Bay, as said State highway is shown on map of record in the office of the county clerk, Galveston County, Texas, with the southerly line of the United States of America two and one-tenth acre tract of land on Galveston Island, Texas, and described in book 329, pages 628 and 629, Deed Records, Galveston County, Texas; thence from said begin- ning point north sixty degrees fifty-eight minutes west along said State highway northerly right-of-way line one hundred and eighty feet to a right angle jog to the right in said right-of-way line; thence north twenty-nie degrees two minutes east thirty-two and six-tenths feet to the northerly line of said United States of America two and one- tenth acre tract; thence north sixty-four degrees forty-nine minutes east two hundred and fifty-three and eight-tenths feet, more or less, to the southerly right-of-way line of the old State Highway Numbered 6, formerly a county road; thence south sixty degrees fifty-eight min- utes east two hundred and three and four-tenths feet along said 20 [54 STAT.