rrA STA 620 PUBLIC LAWS--Ul. 4i--JULtmi o, -i -- L. and (2) not exceed eight hours in any day and (3) not exceed forty hours in any week. Exemptions. (b) The Commissioner may authorize exemptions from the above limitations of monthly earnings and hours of work on projects certified as hereinbefore provided as being important for military or naval purposes; to protect work already done on a project; to permit making up lost time; in the case of an emergency involving the public welfare; and in the case of supervisory personnel employed on work projects. Preference in em- SEC. 15. (a) In employing or retaining in employment on Work loyment. Projects Administration work projects, preference shall be deter- mined, as far as practicable, on the basis of relative needs and shall, where the relative needs are found to be the same, be given in the fol- lowing order: (1) Veterans of the World War and the Spanish- American War and veterans of any campaign or expedition in which the United States has been engaged (as determined on the basis of the laws administered by the Veterans' Administration except that discharged draft enrollees other than those with service-connected disability shall not be considered as veterans for the purposes of this subsection) and unmarried widows of such veterans and the wives of such veterans as are unemployable who are in need and are American citizens; and (2) other American citizens, Indians, and other persons owing allegiance to the United States who are in need. Removal after 18 (b) There shall be removed from employment on Work Projects months; exceptions Administration projects all relief workers, excepting veterans, unmar- ried widows of such veterans and wives of such veterans as are unem- ployable, who have been continuously employed on such projects for Restoration. more than eighteen months, and any relief worker so removed shall be ineligible to be restored to employment on such projects until after (a) the expiration of thirty days after the date of his removal, and (b) recertification of his eligibility for restoration to employment on such projects. Qualifications for (C) In considering employment of persons upon work projects employmen. prosecuted under the appropriations contained in this joint reso- lution, the agency providing the employment shall determine whether such persons are able to perform the work on work projects to which they can be assigned and no person shall be employed or retained for employment on any such project whose work habits are such or work record shows that he is incapable of performing satisfactorily the work to which he may be assigned on the project. Removal or nonem- (d) There shall be removed from employment on Work Projects neirelief workers. Administration projects all relief workers whose needs for employ- ment have not been certified by, and, except as provided in section 16 (b), no relief worker shall be employed on such projects until after his need for employment has been certified by (a) a local public certifying agency or (b) the Work Projects Administration where no such agency exists or where the Work Projects Administration cer- tifies by reason of its refusal to accept certification by local public agencies. Employment of (e) No blind person receiving aid under the Social Security Act, as amended, shall be prohibited from temporarily relinquishing such aid to accept employment on a Work Projects Administration project. ployRment of aiens; (f) No alien, no Communist, and no member of any Nazi Bund Communists, or Nazi Organization shall be given employment or continued in employment members. ato on any work project prosecuted under the appropriations contained in this joint resolution and no part of the money appropriated in this joint resolution shall be available to pay any person who has not made or who does not make affidavit as to United States citizen- ship and to the effect that he is not a Communist and not a member of any Nazi Bund Organization, such affidavit to be considered _. Ar OTA 6> T-T1 nRto I"