Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/672

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 437-JUNE 27, 1940 SAINT ELIZABETHS HOSPITAL Saint Elizabeths Hospital. 63 Stat. 1029. Reappropriation. 60 Stat. 218. 52 Stat. 1124 . Frances Smith. Payment to. 20 D. C. Code 1t 103-106; Snpp. V, i103. Payment of judg- ments. Proviso. Virginia Machinery and Well Co., Inc. 20 D. C. Code, Supp. V, §§ 1587-1690. Payment of claims. 18 Stat. 110. For an additional amount for support of indigent insane of the District of Columbia in Saint Elizabeths Hospital, as provided by law, fiscal year 1940, $90,000. REFUND OF ASSESSMENTS Not to exceed $553.60 of the unexpended balance of $4,629.65 of the appropriation for refund of assessments, fiscal years 1937 and 1938, contained in the Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1937, is hereby made available for the same purposes during the fiscal year 1941. Not to exceed $79.08 of the unexpended balance of the appropria- tion for refund of assessments, fiscal years 1938 and 1939, contained in the Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1938, is hereby made available for the same purposes during the fiscal year 1941. SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS AND SUITS For payment of the claim of Frances Smith, approved by the Com- missioners of the District of Columbia under and in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the Commis- sioners of the District of Columbia to settle claims and suits against the District of Columbia", approved February 11, 1929, as amended by the Act approved June 5, 1930 (45 Stat. 1160; 46 Stat. 500), $400. JUDGMENTS For the payment of final judgments, including costs, rendered against the District of Columbia, as set forth in Senate Document Numbered 232 and House Document Numbered 791 of the Seventy- sixth Congress, $12,665.01, together with the further sum to pay the interest at not exceeding 4 per centum per annum on such judgments, as provided by law, from the date the same became due until the date of payment: Provided,That the judgment in favor of the Virginia Machinery and Well Company, Incorporated, in the amount of $2,620.67, without interest or costs, shall be paid from the appropria- tion 99-9948, Public Works, Loans by Federal Emergency Admin- istration of Public Works, District of Columbia, and 70 per centum of such amount shall be reimbursed to the Federal Works Agency, Public Works Administration, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of June 25, 1934 (48 Stat. 1215). AUDITED CLAIMS For the payment of the following claims, certified to be due by the accounting officers of the District of Columbia, under appropria- tions the balances of which have been exhausted or carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section 5 of the Act of June 20, 1874 (31 U. S . C . 713), being for the service of the fiscal year 1937 and prior fiscal years: Health Department, District of Columbia, 1937, services, $39; Sewers, District of Columbia, 1936, cleaning and repairing, $3.30; Sewers, District of Columbia, 1936, main and pipe, $17.50; Workhouse and Reformatory, District of Columbia, 1936, mainte- nance, $948.78; Extension, and so forth, of streets and avenues, gas-tax fund, District of Columbia, 1936, $43.50; Extension, and so forth, of streets and avenues, gas-tax fund, 638 [54 STAT.