Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/782

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 577, 579-JULY 11, 1940 [rlTAPTRR .5771 July 11, 1940 [S. J. .Res. 283] [Pub. Res., No. 92] Administrator of Civil Aeronautics. Col. Donald H. Connolly authorized to hold office of. July 11, 1940 S. J. Res. 222] [Pub. Res., No. 931 Preamble. 60 Stat. 884. Compact for crea- tion of Potomac Val- ley Conservancy Dis- trict and Interstate Commission on Po- tonmec liver Basin. JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing Colonel Donald H. Connolly to hold the office of Administrator of Civil Aeronautics in the Department of Commerce. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amnerica in Congress assembled, That notwithstanding the provisions of section 1222 of the Revised Statutes (U. S . C., title 10, sec. 576), Colonel Donald H. Connolly, being a commissioned officer on the active list, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, is author- ized to hold the office of Administrator of Civil Aeronautics in the Department of Commerce without loss of or prejudice to his status as a commissioned officer on the active list of the United States Army and if appointed to such civil office he shall receive in addition to his pay and allowances as such commissioned officer an amount equal to the difference between such pay and allowances as such commissioned officer and the salary prescribed by law for such civil office. Approved, July 11, 1940. [CHAPTER 579] JOINT RESOLUTION Granting the consent of Congress to the States of Maryland and West Virginia and the Commonwealths of Virginia and Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia as signatory bodies, to enter into a compact for the creation of a Potomac Valley Conservancy District and the establishment of the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River basin. Whereas the State of Maryland, by chapter 320 of its acts of 1939, approved May 3, 1939, and the Commonwealth of Virginia, by chapter 324 of its laws of 1940, approved March 29, 1940, and the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia acting pur- suant to Public Resolution Numbered 74 of the Seventy-fifth Con- gress, chapter 891, of the first session, approved August 31, 1937, by resolution adopted April 16, 1940, have approved and desire to enter into a compact to create a Potomac Valley Conservancy Dis- trict and to establish an Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin, to which compact by its terms the State of West Vir- ginia and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are empowered to enter, and which compact by its terms becomes effective when rati- fied by a majority of the five signatory bodies thereto, and approved by tie Congress of the United States, and which compact is as follows: COMPACT Whereas it is recognized that abatement of existing pollution and the control of future pollution of interstate streams can best be promoted through a joint agency representing the several states located wholly or in part within the area drained by any such interstate stream; and Whereas the Congress of the United States has given its consent to the States of Maryland and West Virginia, the Commonwealths of Pennsylvania and Virginia, and the District of Columbia to enter into a compact providing for the creation of a conservancy district to consist of the drainage basin of the Potomac River and the main and tributary streams therein, for "the purpose of regulating, con- trolling, preventing, or otherwise rendering unobjectionable and harmless the pollution of the waters of said Potomac drainage area by sewage and industrial and other wastes"; Now therefore the States of Maryland and West Virginia, the Commonwealths of Pennsylvania and Virginia, and the District [54 STAT.