Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/786

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 5S1-JULY 11, 1940 [CHAPTER 581] AN ACT July 11, 1940 [S. 3617] Granting the consent and approval of Congress to an interstate compact relating [Public, No. 7391 to control and reduction of pollution in the Ohio River drainage basin. Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Compnct. Consent of Congress given to. 46 Stat. 1490. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent and approval of Congress is hereby given to an interstate compact relating to the control and reduction of the pollution of the streams of the Ohio River drainage basin negotiated and entered into or to be entered into under authority of Public Resolution Numbered 104, Seventy-fourth Congress, approved June 8, 1936, and now ratified by the States of New York, Illinois, Kentucky, and Indiana, and by the State of Ohio (whose ratification is to go into effect at the time at which the States of New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia enter into said compact as parties and signatory States), also by the State of West Virginia (whose ratification is to go into effect at the time at which the States of New York, Ohio, Virginia, and Pennsyl- vania enter into said compact as parties and signatory States), which compact reads as follows: "SECTION 1.- "OHIO RIVER VALLEY WATER SANITATION COMPACT "BETWEEN THE STATES OF ILINOI, INDIANA, KENTUCKY, NEW YORK, OHIO, PENNSYLVANIA, TENNESSEE, AND WEST VIRGINIA "Pursuant to authority granted by an Act of the 74th Congress of the United States, Public Resolution 104, approved June 8, 1936, con- ferences of delegates appointed to draft the compact were held at Cincinnati, Ohio, on Nov. 20, 1936; Jan. 17, 1938; May 24, 1938; June 13, 1938; October 11, 1938. "Whereas, a substantial part of the territory of each of the signa- tory states is situated within the drainage basin of the Ohio River; and "Whereas, the rapid increase in the population of the various metro- politan areas situated within the Ohio drainage basin, and the growth in industrial activity within that area, have resulted in recent years in an increasingly serious pollution of the waters and streams within the said drainage basin, constituting a grave menace to the health, welfare, and recreational facilities of the people living in such basin, and Occasioning great economic loss;iand "Whereas the control of future pollution and the abatement of existing pollution in the waters of said basin are of prime importance to the people thereof, and can best be accomplished through the coop- eration of the States situated therein, by and through a joint or common agency; "Now, Therefore, The States of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and West Virginia do hereby covenant and agree as follows: '"A4TICLE I "Each of the signatory States pledges to each of the other signa- tory States faithful cooperation in the control of future pollution in and abatement of existing pollution from the rivers, streams, and waters in the Ohio River basin which flow through, into or border upon any of such signatory States, and in order to effect such object, agrees to enact any necessary legislation to enable each such State to place and maintain the waters of said basin in a satisfactory sanitary condition, available for safe and satisfactory use as public 752 [54 STAT.