Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/800

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 638, 639-JULY 18, 1940 [CHAPTER 638] AN ACT [54 STAT. July 18, 1940 [H. R.9576] Relating to the admission to Saint Elizabeths Hospital of persons resident or [Public, No. 752] domiciled in the Virgin Islands of the United States. Saint Elizabeths Hospital, D . C. Admission to, of certain insane persons resident, etc., in Vir- gin Islands. Post, p. 1236. Expense of treat- ment. Transfer to legal residence. Expenses o transer. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, upon the application of the Governor of the Virgin Islands, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to transfer to Saint Elizabeths Hospital in the District of Columbia for treatment (1) persons who are perma- nent residents of the Virgin Islands of the United States, who are citizens or nationals of the United States, and who have been legally adjudged to be insane in the Virgin Islands or while temporarily in another insular possession or a Territory of the United States or in the continental United States; and (2) persons who have been legally adjudged to be insane in the Virgin Islands, who are not permanent residents of the Virgin Islands, and who are American citizens whose legal residence in one of the States or Territories or the District of Columbia it has been impossible to establish. The expense of treat- ment and care may be paid from the appropriation for the support of the hospital. Upon the ascertainment of the legal residence of American citizens who have been transferred to the hospital and who are not permanent residents of the Virgin Islands, the superintendent of the hospital shall transfer such persons to their respective places of residence, and the expenses of transfer shall be paid from the appropriation for the support of the hospital. Approved, July 18, 1940. [CHAPTER 639] July 18,1940 [H. J. Res. 682] [Pub. Res., No. 941 U. S . Maritime Commission. Appropriation for marine and war-risk insurance fund. 49 Stat. 1985. 46 U. S. C., Supp. V, § 1111-1126 . Ante, p . 689. Personal services, etc. Proviso. Temporary employ- ment of experts. Certification. JOINT RESOLUTION Making an appropriation to enable the United States Maritime Commission to establish the marine and war-risk insurance fund. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That to enable the United States Maritime Commission to establish the marine and war-risk insurance fund as authorized by and in accordance with title II of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as amended by the Act entitled "An Act to allend the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as amended, to provide for marine war-risk insurance and reinsurance and for marine-risk insurance, and for other purposes", approved June 29, 1940, there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $40,000,000, of which not to exceed $150,000 may be expended by the Commission for personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, traveling expenses, printing and binding, and other necessary administrative expenses: Provided,That expenses incurred in the temporary employment of experts in marine insurance, including attorneys, in connection with the investigation and settlement of claims shall not be considered as administrative expenses hereunder, and all such expenses shall be certified by the Chairman of the Commission in each case as necessary and reasonable. Approved, July 18, 1940. 766