Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/905

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54 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CH. 715-SEPT. 5, 1940 871 may be used for the purchase of such adjacent strips of land without being matched by the States." SEC. 12. (a) The Reconstruction Finance Corporation, pursuant to Fwayinaisof right- its authority under existing law and subject to all the terms and o wyacquiitio conditions thereof, is authorized to cooperate with States to finance, or to aid in financing, the acquisition of real property or interests in property (any such acquisition being herein called a "right-of-way") necessary or desirable for road projects eligible for Federal aid under the Federal Highway Act (42 Stat. 212), as amended and su23uPpVI-I2 5 supplemented. (b) Every loan or purchase of securities by Reconstruction Finance Approval of project. Corporation to finance or to aid in financing the acquisition of a right- of-way, as defined in this section, shall hereafter be made only after approval of the project (including the plans, administration, and financing thereof) by the highway department of the State and by the Public Roads Administration of the Federal Works Agency. SEO. 13. The Commissioner of Public Roads, in cooperation with Aircrat lantdiung the State Highway Departments of the respective States, is hereby li highays, etc. authorized, upon the request of any State, to investigate the location and development of flight strips adjacent to public highways or road- side development areas, for the landing and take-off of aircraft. SEO. 14. The Commissioner of Public Roads, in cooperation with Trafmcsurveys. the State highway departments of the respective States, is hereby directed to investigate the service afforded to traffic, population, and lands by all highways of each State, as determined by State-wide surveys adequate for the purpose. Annually a report will be made to Report to Congrs the Congress covering the progress made in classifying the highways into groups composed of roads of similar service importance. SEO. 15. The Public Roads Administration is authorized to pay onuse e cV'ngS transportation and subsistence expenses of its employees, and of persons appointed under schedule A, subdivision I, paragraph 7, of Civil Service Rules, hereafter assigned to perform engineering services beyond continental United States for any agency or govern- mental corporation of the United States, including transportation and subsistence expenses of members of the immediate family of any such employee or person in traveling from their headquarters or homes to the post of duty outside continental United States and return; and, with the approval of the Federal Works Administrator, saIoni;elBiSmtnaton the compensation of any such employee so assigned may be increased during such assignment by not to exceed 25 per centum of his base pay. SEC. 16. Any sums heretofore or hereafter withheld from the Federal- deni^'pornt o aid road funds apportioned to any State as a penalty for diversion of road-user taxes under the provisions of section 12 of the Act approved June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 995), shall be reapportioned in the same manner 23 U.S.O . 55 . as any other unexpended balance at the end of the period during which it otherwise would be available for expenditure, in accordance with the provisions of section 21 of the Federal Highway Act (42 Stat. 217). 23 U.O. 21 SEC. 17. Any amounts heretofore apportioned to any State under the Availability of un- provisions of section 7 of the Act of June 16, 1936 (49 Stat. 1521), for feederroadfunds. secondary or feeder roads, for which the period of availability expired on June 30, 1940, and which remained unexpended on said date, shall not be reapportioned to all the States as required by section 21 of the Federal Highway Act, but shall remain available to such State until June 30, 1941, and any balance of such amounts then remaining unex- pended shall be reapportioned to all of the States in the manner now provided by law. SEC. 18. Funds authorized and made available under section 21 of Engineepringotso the Federal Highway Act, as amended, may be used to pay the entire national defense. engineering costs of the surveys, plans, specifications, estimates, and supervision of construction of projects for such urgent improvements of