Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/938

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 722-SEPT. 18 , 1940 "Connecting line" defined. Post, p. 929. 41 Stat. 479 . 49 U. S. C. 3(4). Common use of ter- minals. charges between connecting lines, or unduly prejudice any connecting line m the distribution of traffic that is not specifically routed by the shipper. As used in this paragraph the term 'connecting line' means the connecting line of any carrier subject to the provisions of this part or any common carrier by water subject to part III." (f) Paragraph (4) of such section 3 (which relates to the Commis- sion's power to require common use of terminals), is amended- (1) by striking out "(4)" and substituting in lieu thereof "(5)"; (2) by striking out in the first sentence the words "a carrier" and substituting in lieu thereof the words "a common carrier by railroad"; (3) by striking out in the first sentence the words "any carrier, by another carrier or other carriers" and substituting in lieu thereof the words "any common carrier by railroad, by another such carrier or other such carriers"; and (4) by adding after the words "shall have power" in the first sentence the words "by order". LONG AND SHORT HAUL PROVISION 41 Stat. 480 . SSO. 6. (a) Paragraph (1) of section 4 of the Interstate Commerce 49U. S. C 1. 4 Act, as amended, is amended to read as follows: Long and short "(1) It shall be unlawful for any common carrier subject to this hauls, through routes, e thco ro ute part or part MIto charge or receive any greater compensation in the Postu, aggregate for the transportation of passengers, or of like kind of property, for a shorter than for a longer distance over the same line or route in the same direction, the shorter being included within the longer distance, or to charge any greater compensation as a through rate than the aggregate of the intermediate rates subject to the pro- visions of this part or part III, but this shall not be construed as authorizing any common carrier within the terms of this part or part mI to charge or receive as great compensation for a shorter as Specials for a longer distance: Provided, That upon application to the Com- mission such common carrier may in special cases, after investigation, be authorized by the Commission to charge less for longer than for shorter distances for the transportation of passengers or property; and the Commission may from time to time prescribe the extent to which such designated common carrier may be relieved from the oper- ation of this section, but in exercising the authority conferred upon it in this proviso the Commission shall not permit the establishment of any charge to or from the more distant point that is not reasonably compensatory for the service performed; and no such authorization shall be granted on account of merely potential water competition Tariff proposals. not actually in existence: And provided further, That tariffs propos- ing rates subject to the provisions of this paragraph may be filed when application is made to the Commission under the provisions When effective. hereof, and in the event such application is approved, the Commission shall permit such tariffs to become effective upon one day's notice." ncerof existingr. (b) In the case of a carrier heretofore subject to the provisions of paragraph (1) of section 4 of the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended, no rate, fare, or charge lawfully in effect at the time of the enactment of this Act shall be required to be changed by reason of the amend- ments made to such paragraph by subsection (a) of this section. In the case of a carrier not heretofore subject to the provisions of such paragraph, no rate, fare, or charge lawfully in effect at the time of the enactment of this Act shall be required to be changed, by reason of the provisions of such paragraph, as amended by subsection (a) of this section, prior to six months after the enactment of this Act, or in case application for the continuance of any such existing rate, [54 STAT. 904