Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/991

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54 STAT.] 76TH CONG., 3D SESS. -CH. 724 -SEPT. 21, 1940 957 and a prolongation into the Bay of San Diego to the pierhead line of the southerly line of the street commonly known as Seventh Street, containing approximately ninety-six and forty-two one- hundredths acres of tidelands, and more particularly described as all or any portion or portions of those tidelands, situated in the city of National City, San Diego County, State of California, commenc- ing at a concrete monument on the northerly line of National City, designated as U. S . C . & G. S . point numbered 49; thence south seventy-one degrees forty-three minutes fifteen seconds west along said northerly line a distance of seventy-two and one-tenth feet to a concrete monument on the mean high tide line of San Diego Bay, the true point of beginning; thence south forty-eight degrees six- teen minutes east two hundred and sixty-seven and fifty-eight one- hundredths feet; thence south seventy-three degrees fifty-four minutes east one hundred and seventy-nine and four-tenths feet; thence south forty-nine degrees fifty-three minutes thirty-four sec- onds east two hundred and sixty-one and ninety-five one-hundredths feet; thence south sixty-four degrees five minutes forty-four seconds east four hundred and four and ninety-five one-hundredths feet; thence south forty-nine degrees two minutes fourteen seconds east one hundred and forty-nine and sixty-four one-hundredths feet; thence south sixty-two degrees forty-one minutes fifty-three seconds east two hundred and fifty-one and eighty-one one-hundredths feet; thence south thirty-six degrees thirty-nine minutes eight seconds east two hundred and six and twenty-nine one-hundredths feet; thence south thirty-seven degrees forty-eight minutes forty-one sec- onds east one thousand and ninety-five and six-tenths feet; thence south sixty-three degrees three minutes fifty-nine seconds west two thousand and ninety-four and two-tenths feet to the bulkhead line of San Diego Bay; thence north twenty-six degrees fifty-six minutes one second west along said bulkhead line two thousand seven hundred and twenty-two and two-tenths feet to an intersection with the west- erly prolongation of the northerly line of National City; thence north seventy-one degrees forty-three minutes fifteen seconds east along said northerly line one thousand and eighty-six and sixty-seven one-hundredths feet to the point of beginning, excepting and reserv- ing therefrom a roadway approximately one hundred feet in width along the easterly side. SEC. 2. The Secretary is authorized to accept title to the above- Conditions of described tract from the city of National City, California upon the eptana- following conditions recited in the city of National City, California, Resolution Numbered 2024: That the conveyance shall be subject to any and all existing leases Existing leases. on the aforesaid property or tidelands. That the city of ational City may reserve perpetual easements Easements. for laying and maintaining sewers and drains across any and all of the above-described land wherever necessary and convenient. That the above-described tract shall be used for military purposes Military and naval of the United States and particularly for the purpose of establishing s . and maintaining thereon piers, landings, buildings, and structures to be used by the United States Navy. SEC. 3 . The acceptance by the Secretary of the Navy of the trans- u. . claim of title. fer or quitclaim by the city of National City of any of the lands herein mentioned shall not be construed as a relinquishment by the United States of its claim of title or interest in said land in any manner arising. SEC. 4. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby Bightserved. expressly reserved. Approved, September 21, 1940.