Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1158

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54 STAT.] VENEZUELA-RECIPROCAL TRADE-NOV. 6, 1939 particular commodity or grants exclusive privileges, formally or in effect, to one or more agencies to import, produce or sell a particular commodity, the Government of the country establishing or main- taining such monopoly, or granting such monopoly privileges, agrees that in respect of the foreign purchases of such monopoly or agency the commerce of the other country shall receive fair and equitable treatment. ARTICLE IX In the event that the Government of the United States of America or the Government of the United States of Venezuela establishes or maintains, directly or indirectly, any form of control of the means of international payment, it shall, in the administration of such control: (a) Impose no restrictions or delays on the transfer of payment for any imported article the growth, produce or manufacture of the other country, or on the transfer of payments necessary for or inci- dental to the importation of such article, greater or more onerous than those imposed on the transfer of payment for the importation of any article from any third country. (b) Accord unconditionally, with respect to rates of exchange and taxes or surcharges on exchange transactions in connection with pay- ments for or payments necessary and incidental to the importation of any article the growth, produce or manufacture of the other country, and with respect to all rules and formalities relative thereto, treatment no less favorable than that accorded in connection with the importation of any article whatsoever the growth, produce or manufacture of any third country. In the event that the Government of either country shall make representations concerning the application by the Government of the other country of the provisions of this Article, the Government of such other country shall give sympathetic consideration to such rep- resentations, and if, within thirty days after the receipt of such repre- sentations, a satisfactory adjustment has not been made or an agree- ment has not been reached with respect to such representations, the Government making them may, within fifteen days after the expira- tion of the aforesaid period of thirty days, terminate this Agreement in its entirety on thirty days' written notice. ARTICLE X With respect to customs duties or charges of any kind imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation, and with respect to the method of levying such duties or charges, and with respect to all rules and formalities in connection with importation or exporta- tion, and with respect to all laws or regulations affecting the sale, taxation or use of imported goods within the country, any advantage, favor, privilege or immunity which has been or may hereafter be granted by the United States of America or the United States of Venezuela to any article originating in or destined for any third coun- 2379 Control of means of international pay- ment. Most-favored- nation treatment.