Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1226

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54 STAT.] CANADA-RECIPROCAL TRADE-NOV. 30 , 1940 WHEREAs, Schedule II annexed to the said Agreement provides in part as follows: "United States Tariff Act of 1930 Paragraph Description of Article Rate of Duty 701 Cattle, weighing seven hundred pounds or more each: 53 Stat. 2383 . Cows, imported specially for dairy purposes 1~%per lb. Other 1\y per lb. Provided, That after December 31, 1938, such cattle weighing seven hundred pounds or more each (other than cows imported specially for dairy purposes) entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption in excess of 60,000 head in any quarter year shall not be entitled to a reduction in duty by virtue of this item, and such cattle (other than cows imported specially for dairy purposes) entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for con- sumption in excess of 225,000 head in any calendar year shall not be entitled to a reduction in duty by virtue of this item, but the rate of duty thereon shall not exceed 3¢ per lb. Provided further, That if, after consultation with the Government of the United States of America, the Government of Canada requests the allocation of the quantity entitled to enter at the reduced rate of duty under this item, the Government of the United States of America shall take the necessary steps to allocate the said quantity among countries of export on the basis provided for in Article III of this Agreement." WHEBEA, Article III of the said Agreement reads as follows: 3Stat 2351. "If imports of any article into either country should be regulated either as regards the total amount permitted to be imported or as regards the amount permitted to be imported at a specified rate of duty, and if shares are allocated to coun- tries of export, the share allocated to the other country shall be based upon the proportion of the total imports of such arti- cle from all foreign countries supplied by that country in past years, account being taken in so far as practicable in appro- priate cases of any special factors which may have affected or may be affecting the trade in that article. In those cases in which the other country is a relatively large supplier of any such article, the Government of the country imposing the regu- lation shall, whenever practicable, consult with the Government of the other country before the share to be allocated to that country is determined." WHEREAS, by my proclamation of February 27, 1939, 2 I did pro- 53Stat2397. claim the allocation among countries of export, on the basis there- in set forth, of the quantity of cattle weighing seven hundred pounds or more each (other than cows imported specially for dairy purposes) entitled to a reduction in duty by virtue of the said item 701 of Schedule II annexed to the said Agreement during the period April 1 to December 31, 1939 inclusive; [Executive Agreement Series No. 149, p. 53.] 2447