Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1244

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2465 54 STAT.] SWITZERLAND-RECIPROCAL TRADE-NOV. 28, 1940 In expressing the hope of the Government of the United States that a reply to the foregoing may be received in the very near future, the Legation avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Division of Commerce of the Federal Department of Public Economy the assurance of its high consideration. BERN, September 19, 1940. To the DIVISION OF COMMERCE, FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLI ECONOMY, Bern. The Division of Commerce, Sissw FederalDepartment of Public Economy, to the American Legation BERNE, le 4 octobre 1940. DEPABTEMENT FEDERAL DE L'ECONOMIE PBLIQUE DIVISION DU COMMERCE La Division du commerce du Departement f6edral de l'conomie publique a l'honneur d'accuser reception a la Legation des Etats-Unis d'Amerique de sa note du 19 septembre dernier (No. 97) concernant la modification de la clause concernant les mouchoirs (No. 1529 (b) du tarif americain) contenue dans la liste II a l'accord commercial, sign6 entre les Etats-Unis d'Amerique et la Suisse le 9 janvier 1936, et de lui faire savoir qu'elle accede a la proposition figurant a la page 1 de la dite note ainsi concue: "Provided, that no handkerchiefs which were provided for in Item 1529 (b) of Schedule II of the Trade Agreement between the United States of America and Switzerland as proclaimed by the President of the United States of America on January 9, 1936, shall be excluded from classification under this item by reason of incidental handwork necessary to finish the machine work or to mend or correct defects." La Division du commerce prend toutefois la liberte d'ajouter que selon l'opinion des industriels suisses de la branche, il serait prefer- able de remplacer dans le texte reproduit ci-dessus les mots "necessary to finish the machine work or to mend or correct defects" par le texte suivant: " ... necessary to finish the work done on the multiple-needle embroidery machine or to mend or correct defects." La Division du commerce du Departement federal de l'economie publique saisit cette occasion de renouveler a la Legation des Etats- Unis d'Amerique les assurances de sa haute consideration. A la LEoGAoN DES ETATS-UNIs D'AMRIQUE, Berne.