Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1516

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PROCLAMATIONS-AUG. 9 , 1940 Geese and brant (except snow geese and brant in States bordering Geese and on the Atlantic Ocean; and Ross' goose).-Three in the aggregate of all kinds, and any person at any one time may possess not more than 6 in the aggregate of all kinds. Rails and gallinules (except sora and coot). -Fifteen in the aggre- Railsand gate of all kinds, and any person at any one time may possess not more than 15 in the aggregate of all kinds. Sora. -Fifteen, and any person at any one time may possess not Sora- more than 15. Coot.-Twenty-five, and any person at any one time may possess coot. not more than 25. Wilson's snipe or jacksnipe. -Fifteen, and any person at any one wlson's s time may possess not more than 15. Woodcock.- Four, and any person at any one time may possess Woodcock. not more than 8. Mourning or turtle dove and white-winged dove.- Twelve in the Mourning aggregate of both kinds, and any person at any one time may possess winged dove. not more than 12 in the aggregate of both kinds. Band-tailed pigeon. -Ten, and any person at any one time may Band-tailed possess not more than 10. The possession limits hereinbefore prescribed shall apply as well to Limitspl ducks, geese, brant, rails, including coots and gallinules, Wilson's into U.S. snipes or jacksnipes, woodcocks, mourning or turtle doves, white- winged doves, and band-tailed pigeons taken in Canada, Mexico, or other foreign country and brought into the United States, as to those taken in the United States. Regulation 6, "Shipment, Transportation, and Possession of aRenguent gy amendmen t. Certain Migratory Game Birds", is amended by striking out the Ante,p. 22 figure "10" wherever it occurs in the said regulation and by inserting in lieu thereof the figure "20". Regulation 8, "Permits to Propagate Migratory Waterfowl", and amen'dment Regulation 9, "Permits to Collect Migratory Birds for Scientific Ante,pp . 2 Purposes", are amended by striking out the words "Chief of the Bureau" wherever they occur in the said regulations and by inserting in lieu thereof the word "Director". Regulation 10, "Permits to Kill Migratory Birds Injurious to Property", is amended to read as follows: brant. allinules. nipe or or turtle white- I pigeon. icable to brought ion 6, 1. 18 and 0, 122, 2624 . REGULATION 10. - PE RM I TS To KILL MIGRATORY BIRDS INJURIOUS TO PROPERTY Community injury. - When information is furnished the Secretary that any species of migratory bird has become, under extraordinary conditions, seriously injurious to agriculture or other interests in any particular community, an investigation will be made to determine the nature and extent o: the injury, whether the birds alleged to be doing the damage should be killed, and, if so, during what times and by what means. Upon his determination an appropriate order will be made. Specific injury.-U pon receipt by the Director, or the Regional Director in the region where the injury occurs, of information from the owner, tenant, or share cropper that migratory birds are injuring his crops or other property on the land on which he resides, together with a statement of the location of the land, the nature of the crops or property being injured, the extent of such injury, and the par- ticular species of birds committing the injury, an investigation will be made, and if it is determined from such investigation that the injury complained of is substantial and can be abated only by killing the birds, or some of them, a permit to kill the birds will be issued Ante, p. 265. Community injury. Specific injury. 198470--41 -PT. It- 95 54 STAT.] 2733