Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1560

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2776 Concurrent Resolutions-Continued. Constitution, painting of scene at signing of- Temporary placement, etc-------- Unveiling, printing of proceedings at_ District of Columbia public schools, correction in enrollment of bill relating to-------------------- Excess Profits Taxation Act for 1940, printing of additional copies of hearings authorized ----------- Foreign trade agreements, printing of additional copies of hearings relat- ing to--------------------- Forestry, Joint Committee on, exten- sion of time for report---------- Hawaii, U. S . District Court, correc- tions in enrollment of bill-------- Inaugural ceremonies, 1941, erection of additional stand ---------------- "Intermediate Report of Special Com- mittee to Investigate the National Labor Relations Board," additional copies of House report ordered printed ------------------------ Interstate migration of destitute citizens, printing of additional copies of hearings authorized----- "Investigation of Railroads, Holding Companies, and Affiliated Com- panies," additional copies of Senate report ordered printed-_ _ _-_ _ - - Mediterranean fruitfly eradication, crea- tion of joint congressional commit- tee to investigate losses---------- Navy Department appropriation bill, 1941, appointment of conferees rescinded, etc------------------- Neutrality, printing of additional copies of hearings relative to - -__-____-- President-elect, inauguration of, joint committee on arrangements------ Prison-made goods, signing of enrolled joint resolution rescinded; correc- tion in reenrollment------------- "Second Excess Profits Tax Act of 1940," additional copies ordered printed----------------- ....-- _- Silver, investigation of, printing of addi- tional copies of hearings authorized_ Supreme Court, sesquicentennial, print- ing of proceedings at commemora- tive ceremonies ---------- __-__- "Transportation Act of 1940," addi- tional copies ordered printed------ Wessely, Kurt, relief of, correction in enrollment of bill -------- -- ____ _ Work Projects Administration, investi- gation of, printing of additional eopies of hearings authorized --- INDEX Page 1404 1405 1405 1407 1402 1403 1406 1408 1403 1408 1403 1406 1404 1401 1402 1405 1407 1403 1402 1407 1405 1404 Congress: Page Adjournment ---------------------- 1401 Convening in extra session ----------- 2660 Joint meeting of two Houses to receive communications from President_ - 1401, 1402, 1404 President-elect, inauguration of, joint committee on arrangements ----- 1402 Recess ----------------------- 1405 Consolidated Chippewa Agency, superin- tendent authorized to file claims for unlocated claimants -------------- Constitution, painting of scene at signing of: Temporary placement, etc ----------- Unveiling, printing of proceedings at - - Consular Officers, convention with Li- beria ---------------------- Conventions. See Treaties. Converse, Laura Trice, payment to----- Cook, Roy D., payment to guardian of-- Cooley, C. F., payment to-------------- Coon, George W., consideration of dis- ability claim---------------- _ - --- Cooper, Florence Sinclair, cancelation of deportation proceedings------------ Copeland, F. L ., payment to------------ Corbett, Estelle M., payment to__ -- -- - Cothran Motors, Inc., payment to------- Cotton and Cotton Waste, quotas on im- ports-------------------- __ - -- _ Suspension of certain provisions------ Cotton and Rubber, agreement with Great Britain for exchange of ----- Crane, William C. (Lt. Col.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized----_ _- Crawford, Wade: Credit allowance to------------------ Refund to-------

Credle, B. A. (Mrs.), payment to------- Crossing, Dorothy, payment to---------- Cuba, reciprocal trade agreement with __ Customs Privileges, Reciprocal, for For- eign Service personnel, agreement with Brazil ---------------------- D Daggett, Ralph W. (Lt.), credit in account of; payment to ----------- _ _- ---- Daley, T. H., credit in accounts of------- Dambach, J. E., payment to --......... Daury, Howard, consideration of dis- ability claim -------.. ... ... ... ... Davis, George E., payment to---------- Davis, Lou, issuance of license to practice chiropractic in D. C . authorized .- - Davis, William, cancelation of certain claims----------------.-------. Dawson, Cary, credit in accounts of--_ , . i,1406 1292 1404 1405 1751 1283 1246 1321 1356 1317 1327 1380 1321 2640 2769 1411 1260 1353 1354 1351 1275 1997 2419 1388 1330 1344 1259 1351 1397 1288 1329