Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/203

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1423 54 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TELECOMMUNICATION-APR . 8, 1938 open to public correspondence, such as: a service of radiobeacons, radio direction-finding, time signals, regular meteorological bulletins, notices to navigators, press messages addressed to all, medical notices (medical consultation by radio), standard frequencies, emissions for scientific purposes, et cetera. [25] §3 [26] Fixed station: A station not capable of being moved and com- municating by radio with one or more stations established in the same manner. [27] Land station: A station not capable of being moved, carrying on a mobile service. [31] Coast station: A land station carrying on a service with ship stations. This may be a fixed station assigned also to communica- tion with ship stations; in this case, it shall be considered as a coast station only for the duration of its service with ship stations. [32] Aeronautical station: A land station carrying on a service with aircraft stations. This may be a fixed station assigned also to com- munication with aircraft stations; in this case, it shall be considered as an aeronautical station only for the duration of its service with aircraft stations. [33] Mobile station: A station capable of being moved and which ordinarily does move. [34] On-board station: A station on board either a ship which is not permanently moored, or an aircraft. [35] Ship station: A station on board a ship which is not permanently moored. [36] Aircraft station: A station on board any aircraft.' [37] Portable station: A station intended to be moved easily but which is not ordinarily used while in motion. [38] Radiobeacon station: A special station the emissions of which are intended to enable an on-board station to determine its bearing or a direction with reference to the radiobeacon station, and in some cases also the distance which separates it from the latter. [39] Radio direction-finding station: A station equipped with special apparatus for determining the direction of the emissions of other stations. [40] Amateur station: A station used by an "amateur," that is, by a duly authorized person interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest. [41] Private experimental station: A private station intended for ex- periments looking to the development of radio technique or science. [42] 1 "Aircraft" is a general term including airplanes, dirigibles, free or captive balloons, et cetera.