Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/279

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54 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TELECOMMUNICATION-APR . 8, 1938 [311] §5. (1) Each country shall choose call signals for its stations from the international series which is allocated to it and shall notify the Bureau of the Union of the call signals which it has assigned to its stations. This notification does not concern the call signals allocated to amateur stations, to private experimental stations, and to private radio stations. [312] (2) The special signals which have been allocated to ships at the time of their registry in the list of ships of their country, for visual and aural signaling, must in general agree with the call signals of ship stations. [313] (3) The Bureau of the Union shall see that the same call signal is not allocated more than once and that those call signals which might be confused with distress signals, or with other signals of a sim- ilar character, are not allocated. ARTICLE 15 Service Documents [314] §1. The Bureau of the Union shall prepare and publish the following service documents: [315] (a) The nomenclatures of all the land, mobile, and fixed sta- tions having a call signal from the international series, whether or not open to public correspondence; the no- menclatures of the stations operating special services and broadcasting stations. [317] (b) The frequency list. This list shall give all the frequencies assigned to radio stations and reported to the Bureau of the Union pursuant to the provisions of article 16. [318] (c) General radio statistics. [319] (d) A chart of coast stations open to public correspondence. [320] (e) A table and a chart to be annexed to the nomenclature of coast and ship stations indicating the zones and hours of service on board ships of which the stations belong to the second category (see appendixes 6 and 7). [321] (f) An alphabetical list of the call signals of the stations mentioned in (a) [No. 3151 and provided with a call signal of the international series. This list shall be arranged without considering nationality. It shall be preceded by the call-signal-allocation table appearing m article 14. [322] §2. (1) The nomenclatures of stations [§1 (a)] [No. 315] shall be published in separate volumes as follows: [323] [324] [325] [326] [3271 I. Nomenclature of Coast and Ship Stations. II. Nomenclature of Aeronautical and Aircraft Stations. III. Nomenclature of Stations Operating Special Services. IV. Nomenclature of Fixed Stations (Index to the List of Frequencies for Fixed Stations in Service). V. Nomenclature of Broadcasting Stations. 1499 Service documents. Podr, pp . 1601, 106l. Nomenclatures.