Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/487

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54 STAT.] MULTILATERAI-MINIMUM AGE (SEA)-OCT. 24 , 1936 a la condition que ce travail soit approuve et surveille par l'autorit6 publique. ARTICLE 4. Dans le but de permettre le contr6le de l'application des dis- positions de la presente conven- tion, tout capitaine ou patron devra tenir un registre d'inscrip- tion ou un r6le d'6quipage men- tionnant toutes les personnes de moins de seize ans employees a bord, avec l'indication de la date de leur naissance. ARTICLE 5. training-ships, provided that such work is approved and supervised by public authority. ARTICLE 4. In order to facilitate the en- forcement of the provisions of this Convention, every shipmaster shall be required to keep a register of all persons under the age of six- teen years employed on board his vessel, or a list of them in the articles of agreement, and of the dates of their births. La presente convention n'entrera en vigueur qu'apres l'adoption, par la Conference internationale du Travail, d'un projet de con- vention portant revision de la convention fixant l'Age minimum d'admission des enfants aux tra- vaux industriels (1919) et d'un projet de convention portant re- vision de la convention concernant l'Age d'admission des enfants aux travaux non industriels (1932). ARTICLE 6 Les ratifications officielles de la presente convention seront com- muniqu6es au Secretaire general de la Societe des Nations et par lui enregistrees. This Convention shall not come into force until after the adoption by the International Labour Con- ference of a Draft Convention revising the Convention fixing the minimum age for admission of children to industrial employ- ment, 1919, and a Draft Conven- tion revising the Convention con- cerning the age for admission of children to non-industrial em- ployment, 1932. ARTICLE 6. The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communi- cated to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations for regis- tration. Coming into force, conditions. ARTICLE 7. 1. La prdsente convention ne liera que les Membres de l'Organi- sation internationale du Travail dont la ratification aura ete enre- gistree par le Secretaire general. 2. Sous reserve des dispositions de l'article 5 ci-dessus, elle entrera en vigueur douze mois apres que les ratifications de deux Membres ARTICLE 7. 1. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the International Labour Or- ganisation whose ratifications have been registered with the Secretary- General. 2. Subject to the provisions of Article 5 above it shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the ratifications of two Register of employ- ees under 16. ARTICLE 5. Ratificatlons, regis- tration. Scope. Effective date. 1707