Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/523

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54 STAT.] LIBERIA-FRIENDSHIP, COMMERCE, ETC.-AUG. 8, 1938 Every such favor, privilege or immunity which shall hereafter be granted to nationals, vessels or goods of a third State shall simul- taneously and unconditionally, without request and without com- pensation, be extended to the other High Contracting Party, for the benefit of itself, its nationals, vessels, and goods. ARTICLE IX Neither of the High Contracting Parties shall establish or main- tain any import or export prohibition or restriction on any article originating in or destined for the territory of the other High Con- tracting Party, which is not applied to the like article originating in or destined for any third country. Any abolition of an import or export prohibition or restriction which may be granted even temporarily by either High Contracting Party in favor of an article originating in or destined for a third country shall be applied im- mediately and unconditionally to the like article originating in or destined for the territory of the other High Contracting Party. If either High Contracting Party establishes or maintains any form of quantitative restriction or control of the importation or sale of any article in which the other High Contracting Party has an interest, or imposes a lower import duty or charge on the im- portation or sale of a specified quantity of any such article than the duty or charge imposed on importations in excess of such quantity, the High Contracting Party taking such action shall, upon request, inform the other High Contracting Party as to the total quantity, or any change therein, of any such article permitted to be imported or sold, or permitted to be imported or sold at such lower duty or charge during a specified period, and shall allot to the other High Contracting Party for such specified period a proportion of such total quantity as originally established or subsequently changed in any manner equivalent to the proportion of the total importation of such article which the other High Contracting Party supplied during a previous representative period, unless it is mutually agreed to dispense with such allotment. Neither of the High Contracting Parties shall, by import licenses, regulate the total quantity of im- portations into its territory or sales therein of any article in which the other High Contracting Party has an interest, unless the total quantity of such article permitted to be imported or sold during a quota period of not less than three months shall have been estab- lished, and unless the regulations covering the issuance of such licenses or permits shall have been made public before such regula- tions are put into force. AKTICLE X If either High Contracting Party establishes or maintains, directly or indirectly, any form of control of the means of international payment, it shall, in the administration of such control: (a) Impose no prohibition, restriction, or delay on the transfer of payment for imported articles the growth, produce, or manufac- 1743 Import or export re- strictions. Import quotas, etc. International pay- ments.