Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/547

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54 STAT.] SWEDEN-DOUBLE TAXATION-MAR . 23, 1939 tax with respect to corporations of Sweden having capital or other property in the United States of America. Article XIV It is agreed that double taxa- tion shall be avoided in the follow- ing manner: (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Convention, the United States of America in deter- mining the income and excess- profits taxes, includingallsurtaxes, of its citizens or residents or corporations, may include in the basis upon which such taxes are imposed all items of income tax- able under the revenue laws of the United States of America as though this Convention had not come into effect. The United States of America shall, however, deduct the amount of the taxes specified in Article I (b) (1) and (3) of this Convention or other like taxes from the income tax thus computed but not in excess of that portion of the income tax liability which the taxpayer's net income taxable in Sweden bears to his entire net income. (b) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Convention, Sweden, in determining the grad- uated tax on income and property of its residents or corporations or other entities, may include in the basis upon which such tax is im- posed all items of income and property subject to such tax under the taxation laws of Sweden. Sweden shall, however, deduct from the tax so calculated that por- tion of such tax liability which the taxpayer's income and property exempt from taxation in Sweden under the provisions of this Con- 193470--41-PT . -- 34 terna utgaende "capital stock tax" savitt ang&r svenska bolag med kapital eller egendom i F6renta Staterna. Artikel XIV Det ar overenskommet, att dubbelbeskattning skall undvikas genom foljande f6rfaringssatt: (a) Oavsett vad som eljest stad- gas i detta avtal aga Amerikas Forenta Stateratt vid faststJllande av skatt A inkomst och "excess- profits",tillaggsskatter inbegripna, for sina medborgare eller i Forenta Staterna boende fysiska personer eller dar hemmahorande juridiska personer, i det belopp pa vilket skatten pafores inrakna enligt a merikansk skattelagstiftning skattepliktig inkomst av alla slag, som om detta avtal icke gallt. Emellertid skola F6renta Staterna fran shlunda beraknad inkomst- skatt avdraga beloppet av de i artikel I (b) (1) och (3) av detta avtal angivna eller andra liknande skatter, dock hbgst motsvarande sa stor andel av den beraknade inkomstskatten, som den skatt- skyldiges i Sverige skattepliktiga inkomst utgor i forhallande till hans hela nettoinkomst. (b) (1) Oavsett vad som eljest stadgas i detta avtal ager Sverige att vid faststallande av progressiv skatt a inkomst och f6rmogenhet, s&vitt ang&r dar boende fysiska personer eller dar hemmahorande juridiska personer, i det belopp pa vilket sadan skatt pafores, inrikna inkomst eller f6rmogen- het av alla slag, for vilken skatt- skyldighet foreligger enligt svensk skattelagstiftning. Emellertid skall Sverige fran den pa dylikt satt utraknade skatten avdraga sA stor andel som skattebetalarens i Sverige icke skattepliktiga in- Avoidanceof double taxation, general pro- visions. TaxationbyU.S.A. Taxation by Swe- den. 1767