Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/565

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MONACO-EXTRADITION-FEB . 15 , 1939 released, if, within a period of forty days from the date of arrest in Monaco, or from the date of commitment in the United States of America, the formal requisition for extradition accompanied with the documents prescribed in the foregoing article has not been submitted by the diplomatic agent of the country making the requi- sition or, in his absence, by a consul or consular agent of said country. ARTICLE V The contracting Parties shall not be bound to deliver up their own citizens or subjects under the stipulations of this treaty. ARTICLE VI No person shall be surrendered if the offense for which his extra- dition is requested is of a political character, or if he proves that the requisition for his surrender has, in fact, been made with a view to try or punish him for an offense of a political character. If any question arises as to whether a case comes within the provisions of this article, the authorities of the Government on which the requisition is made shall decide. However, when the violation comprises the act of murder, assassination or poisoning, either consummated or attempted, the fact that the offense was com- mitted or attempted against the life of the Sovereign or Head of any State, or against the life of any member of his family, shall not be deemed sufficient to sus- tain that such crime or offense is of a political character, or that it has any connection with crimes or offenses of a political character. en libert6 si, dans un delai de quarante jours Adater de l'arresta- tion /. Monaco ou du mandat de dep6t aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique, la demande reguliere d'extradi- tion, accompagnee des pieces pre- scrites a l'article precedent, n'a pas ete pr6sentee par L'Agent diplomatique du Pays requerant ou, en son absence, par un Consul ou Agent consulaire de ce Pays. ART. 5. Les parties contractantes ne seront pas obligees de livrer leurs propres citoyens ou sujets, en vertu des stipulations du present traite. ART. 6. Aucun individu ne sera livre si l'infraction pour laquelle son extra- dition est demand6e a un caractere politique ou s'il prouve que la demande d'extradition a 6et faite en realite dans le but de le pour- suivre ou de le punir pour une infraction de caractere politique. Si la question s'eleve de savoir si le cas rentre dans les previsions de la disposition qui precede, la decision appartiendra aux Auto- rites du Pays requis. Cependant, lorsque l'infraction comprend l'acte de meurtre ou d'assassinat ou d'empoisonnement, soit accompli, soit tente, le fait que l'offense a 6te commise ou entreprise contre les jours du Souverain ou Chef d'un Etat quel qu'il soit, ou contre les jours de n'importe quel membre de sa famille, ne sera pas estime suffisant pour soutenir que ce crime ou delit est d'un caractere politique, ou qu'il a quelque rapport avec des crimes ou delits de caractere politique. Delivery by a coun- try of its own citizens, etc. Political offenses. Decision as to nature of offense. Assassination, etc. 54 STAT.] 1785