Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/628

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BARBADOS-PARCEL POST-- Aug' 14,1939 Sept. 13, 1939 2. Dry coloring powders such as aniline blue, etc., shall be admitted only if enclosed in stout metal boxes placed inside wooden boxes with sawdust between the two receptacles. 3. Every parcel containing precious stones, jewelry, or any article of gold, silver, or platinum exceeding $500 or £100 in value shall be packed in a box measuring not less than 3 feet 6 inches (1.05 meters) in length and girth combined. ARTICLE 7. Customs declarationsand dispatch notes. 1. The sender shall prepare one customs declaration and one dis- patch note for each parcel sent from either country, on a special form provided for the purpose by the country of origin. The customs declaration shall give a general description of the par- cel, an accurate statement in detail of its contents and value, date of mailing, gross weight the sender's name and address, and the name and address of the addressee; and shall be securely attached to the parcel. However, as an exception to the foregoing, the use of only one customs declaration may be allowed for a single consignment of any number of uninsured parcels sent by the same sender to the same addressee at the same time. In this case the customs declaration shall show in addition to the particulars set forth in the preceding para- graph, the total number of parcels comprising the shipment, and shall be securely attached to one of the parcels. The parcels comprising the entire shipment shall be clearly marked in such case with a frac- tional number, the numerator of which will indicate, in arabic figures, the number of the parcel, and the denominator the number of parcels comprising the shipment; for example, if a single shipment were com- posed of 15 parcels, each parcel would be numbered respectively 1/15, 2/15, 3/15, etc. The dispatch note shall also be securely attached to the parcel. 2. The Administrations accept no responsibility for the correctness of the customs declarations or dispatch notes. ARTICLE 8. Advice of delivery. 1. Insured parcels for which the senders request an advice of de- livery shall be very prominently marked "Advice of delivery" or "A. R." 2. Such parcels shall be accompanied by a form similar to that annexed to the Detailed Regulations of the Convention of the Uni- versal Postal Union. This advice of delivery form shall be prepared by the office of origin or by any other office appointed by the Admin- istration of origin and shall be firmly attached to the dispatch note of the parcel to which it relates in the case of parcels sent to Barbados and to the parcel to which it relates in the case of parcels sent to the United States of America. If it does not reach the office of destina- tion, that office shall make out officially a new advice of delivery form. 3. The office of destination, after having duly filled out the form, shall return it, by ordinary post, unenclosed and free of postage to the address of the sender of the parcel. 4. When the sender makes inquiry concerning an advice of delivery which has not been returned to him after a reasonable interval, action shall be taken in accordance with the rules laid down in Article 9 Customs declara- tions and dispatch notes. Advice of delivery. 54 STAT.] 1849