Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/763

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1984 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. SCHEDULE IV-Continued United States Tariff Act of 1930 Paragraph Description of Article Rate of Duty 1699 Iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium, and ruthe- nium, and native combinations thereof with one another or with platinum Free 1701 Ivory tusks in their natural state or cut vertically across the grain only, with the bark left intact Free 1710 Asphaltum and bitumen Free 1714 Manuscripts, not specially provided for Free 1719 Cornwall stone, unmanufactured Free 1719 Columbium ores or concentrates, crude, or not ad- vanced in value or condition by refining or grind- ing, or by other process of manufacture, not specially provided for Free 1722 Derris root, and tuba or tube root, crude or un- manufactured, not specially provided for Free 1724 Needles, hand sewing or darning Free 1725 Nets or finished sections of nets for use in otter trawl fishing, if composed wholly or in chief value of manila Free 1726 Newspapers and periodicals, unbound Free 1727 Copra, palm nuts, and palm-nut kernels Free 1731 Oils, distilled or essential: Cinnamon, citronella, and lime, all the fore- going not containing alcohol

Free 1732 Expressed or extracted palm-kernel oil, rendered unfit for use as food or for any but mechanical or manufacturing purposes, by such means as shall be satisfactory to tie Secretary of the Treasury and under regulations to be prescribed by him Free Nora: No Federal internal tax in excess of the rate of 3 cents per pound now provided for in section 602% of the Revenue Act of 1934, as amended, shall be imposed in the United States in respect of palm-kernel oil. 1735 Duplex decalcomania paper not printed Free 1736 Parchment and vellum Free 1744 Platinum, unmanufactured or in ingots, bars, sheets, or plates not less than one-eighth of one inch in thickness, sponge, or scrap Free 1750 Rag pulp; paper stock, crude, of every desorip- tion, inclumng all grasses, fibers, rags, waste (including jute, hemp, and flax waste), shavings, clippings, old paper, rope ends, waste rope, and waste bagging, and all other waste not specially provided for,including old gunny coth, and old gunny bags, used chiefly for paper making, and no longer suitable for bags Free 1759 Sheep dip Free 1765 Seal skins (not fur seal sinsn), raw Free 1768 (1) Spicesand spice seeds: Cloves; cinnamon and cinnamon chips; gin- ger root, not preserved or candied; nut- megs; and pimento (allspice); all of the foregoing, if unground Free 1771 Stamps: Postage or revenue stamps, canceled or uncanceled, and government stamped envelopes or post cards bearing no other printing than the official imprint thereon Free 1776 Strontianite or mineral strontium carbonate and celestite or mineral strontium sulphate Free 1777 Sulphur in any form Free 1782 Locust or earob beans, and pods and seeds thereof Free 1783 (b) Tea not peialy provided for Free 1786 Tin in bar, blocks or pi, alloys in chief value of tin not specially provided for, and grain or gran- ulated and scrap tin, ncling sap tin plate ee, subject to the provisions of ... ih-l ~rrph17°ot" Ta10f Act o 1930