Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/798

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LIBERIA-AIR NAVIGATION-JUNE 14. 1939 nation treatment in Liberia. However, the United States of America may not claim any rights in respect of such routes and air transport services if it should be unwilling to accord similar rights to the Government or nationals of Liberia. ARTICLE 4 The present arrangement shall be subject to termination by either Termination. Party upon six months' notice given in writing to the other Party. I should be pleased if you would inform me whether your Govern- ment accepts the foregoing text as the text which was agreed to in the course of the recent negotiations. If so, my Government suggests Efectve date. that the agreement become effective on June 15, 1939. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest considera- tion. LESTER A. WALTON American Minister His Excellency CLARENCE L. SIMPSON, Secretary of State of the Republic of Liberia Monrovia The LiberianSecretary of State (Simpson) to the American Minister (Walton) 580a/D.F. DEPARTMENT OF STATE MONROVIA, LIBERIA. June 14, 1939. SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of June beaeemt by Ll - 14, 1939 requesting to be informed whether my Government accepts the text set forth in the note under acknowledgment as the text of the Air Navigation Agreement between Liberia and the United States which was agreed to in the course of the negotiations recently con- ducted by the Department of State with the Legation. The text as set forth in the Legation's note is as follows: AIR NAVIGATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN TIE UNIrm STATES AND LIBERIA ARTICLE I (a) The present arrangement shall apply to continental United States of America, exclusive of Alaska, and to Liberia, including their territorial waters. (b) Subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth, civil aircraft registered by either Party to this arrangement and not engaged in regular scheduled services, shall be accorded liberty of passage above and of landing upon the territory of the other Party. 54 STAT.] 2019