Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/861

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. Si l'indemnit6 doit etre sup- port6e par plusieurs Administra- tions en conformit6 de l'article 61, l'int6gralit6 de l'indemnite due doit etre vers6e Al'Administration expeditrice, dans le dMlai men- tionne A l'alin6a proc6dent, par la premiere Administration qui, ayant dAment reGu l'envoi re- clame, ne peut en 6tablir la trans- mission r6gulire au service cor- respondant. I1 appartient A cette Administration de recuperer sur les autres Administrations respon- sables la quote-part eventuelle de chacune d'elles dans le d6dom- magement de 'ayant droit. Method of relm- 2.-Le remboursement A l'Ad- br a ement. ministration creancisre s'effectue sans frais pour cette Administra- tion, soit au moyen d'un mandat de poste, d'un cheque ou d'une traite payable Avue sur la capitale ou sur une place commerciale du pays creancier, soit en espaces ayant cours dans ce pays. Lorsque la responsabilit6 a 6te reconnue, de meme que dans le cas pr6vu A l'article 60, § 2, le montant de l'indemnite peut 4gale- ment etre repris d'office sur le pays responsable par la voie d'un decompte quelconque, soit directe- ment, soit par l'interm.diaire d'une Administration qui 6change regulibrement des d6comptes avec l'dministration responsable. Passe le delai de trois mois, 1l somme due a l'Administratior expeditrice est productive d'in. teret Braison de 5% l'an comptel du jour de l'expiration dudil d6lai. Timelitmt. 3.- L'Administration d'originm ne peut reclamer le rembourse ment de l'indemnit6 a l'Adminis tration responsable que dans 1I delai d'un asn compter de l'envo de la notification de la perte, ou s'il y a lieu, du jour de l'expiratioi du dlai prevu a larticle 60, § 2. Dsy in mapin 4. - L'Administration dont l responsabilite eat d0ment stabli et qui a tout d'abord d6clin6 I payement de l'indemnit6 doi prdre sa charge tous le frai acoessoirea rasulta:nt du retatr non justifie apport6 au payemeni If the indemnity must be paid by several Administrations in con- formity with article 61, the whole of the indemnity due must be turned over to the Administra- tion of origin, within the period mentioned m the preceding para- graph, by the first Adminstra- tion which, having duly received the article inquired about, can not establish its regular transmis- sion to the corresponding service. It is incumbent upon that Admin- istration to recover from the other responsible Administrations any share of each of them in the indem- nity paid to the rightful claimant. 2. The reimbursement of the creditor Administration is effected without expense for that Admin- istration by means of either a money order, a check or a draft payable at sight on the capital or a commercial city of the creditor country, or in corn current in that country. When responsibility has been acknowledged as well as in the case contemplated by Article 60, Section 2, the amount of indem- nity may likewise be recovered from the responsible country offi- cially through any account, either directly or through the intermedi- Iary of an Administration which regularly exchanges accounts with the responsible Administration. 3 At the expiration of the period of three months, the sum due to - the Administration of origin bears r interest at the rate of 5 per cent a t year, counting from the date of expiration of the said period. e 3. The Administration of ori- - gin may claim repayment of the - ndemnity from the responsible e Administration only within the i period of one year, counting from ,the date of sending the notifica- n tion of the loss; or, if occasion arises, from the date of expiration of the period contemplated by Article 60, Section 2. a 4. An Administration whose re- e sponsibility is duly established a and whih has at first declined to t pay the indemnity must bear all s the additional expenses resulting d. from the unjustified delay in mak-

. ing payment.