Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/865

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. ARTICLE 69. Dflai de payement. Les dispositions de 'article 60 concernant les delais de payement de l'indemnit6 pour la perte d'un envoi recommande s'appliquent au payement des sommes en- caiss6es ou de l'indemnit6 pour les envois contre remboursement. ARTICLE 69 Periodfor payment The provisions of Article 60 concerning the periods for pay- ment of indemnity for the loss of a registered article are applicable to the payment of the sums col- lected or of the indemnity for C. 0 . D. articles. ARTICLE 70. Determination de la responsabilite. ing of respons- Le payement, par l'Administra- tion expeditrice, des sommnes en- caissees r6gulierement ou de l'in- demnit6 prevue a l'article 67 se fait pourle compte de PAdminis- tration destinataire. Celle-ci est responsable, A moins qu'elle ne puisse prouver que la faute est due A la non-observation d'une dispo- sition r6glementaire par l'Adminis- tration expeditrice. En cas d'encaissement fraudu- leux A la suite de la disparition, dans le service, d'un envoi contre remboursement, la responsabilit6 des Administrations en cause est d6terminee selon les regles pr6vues Ausp.8oA. ^ l'article 61 pour la perte d'un envoi recommand6. Toutefois, la responsabilite d'une Administra- tion interm6diaire qui ne participe pas au service des remboursements est limitee A celle qui eat prevue Ane, pp. 207 20. aux articles 56 et 57 pour les envois recommandes. Les autres Ad- ministrations supportent par parts egales le montant non couvert. ARTICLE 71. Remboursement des sommes avancees. Repayment of ad- L'Administration destinataire est tenue de rembourser A l'Admi- nistration expeditrice dans les con- ditions pr6vues A l'article 62 les Ante, p. 281. sommes qui ont 6t6 avancees pour son compte. ARTICLE 72. C. 0. D. moae MGUL bi Mandats de remboursement et 0. 0 . D. money orders and transfer bulletins de versement. buletins 1. -Le montant d'un maxdatde 1. The amount of a C. 0 . D . remboursement qui, pour un motif mney order wbich, for any re- Period for indem- nity payment. Ante, p. 2080 . 2086 ARTICLE 70 Fixing of responsibility The payment by the dispatch- ing Administration of the sums regularly collected, or of the in- demnity provided for by Article 67, is effected on behalf of the Administration of destination. The latter is responsible, unless it can prove that the irregularity was due to the failure of the dis- patching Administration to ob- serve a provision of the regula- tions. In case of fraudulent collection asaresultofthelossofaC.0.D. article in the service, the respon- sibility of the Administrations involved is determined in accord- ance with the rules laid down by Article 61 for the loss of a regis- tered article. However, the re- sponsibility of an intermediate Administration which does not participate in the C. 0 . D . serv- ice is limited to that prescribed by Articles 56 and 57 for regis- tered articles. The other Ad- ministrations pay the amount not covered in equal shares. ARTICLE 71 Repayment of sums advanced The Administration of destina- tion is bound to reimburse the Administration of origin, under the conditions prescribed by Arti- cle 62, for the sums which have been advanced on its behalf. ARTICLE 72