Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/879

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. XII. XII Protocole laiss6 ouvert aux Pays Protocol left open to the countries non repr6sent6s. not represented Signatures and ad- hesions of countries represented. Protocole laisse ouvert aux Pays representes pour signatures et adhesions. Le Protocole demeure ouvert en faveur des Pays dont les repre sentants n'ont sign6 aujourd'hui que la Convention ou un certain nombre seulement des Arrange- ments arretes par le Congres, A l'effet de leur permettre d'adhrer aux autres Arrangements signes ce jour, ou A l'un ou a l'autre d'entre eux. XIV. Delai pour la notification des adhesions. Period for notifica- tion of adhesions. Signatures. Le Protocole reste ouvert aux Pays de I'Union, non represents au Congres, pour leur permettre d'adherer a la Convention et aux Arrangements qui y ont 6te con- clus, ou seulement a l'un ou A l'autre d'entre eux. XIII. Les adhesions prevues aux arti- cles XII et XIII devront Atre notifiees, en la forme diplomatique, par les Gouvernements interesses au Gouvernement de la R4publi- que 'Argentine et par celui-ci aux autres Etats de l'Union. Le delai accord6 auxdits Gouvernements pour cette notification expirera le ler juillet 1940. En foi de quoi, les Plenipoten- tiaires ci-dessous ont dress6 le present Protocole, qui aura la meme force et la mgme valeur que si ses dispositions etaient inserees dans le texte meme de la Conven- tion et ils l'ont signe en un exem- plaire qui restera depose aux Archives du Gouvernement de la R6publique Argentine et dent une copie sera remise A chaque Partie. Fait a Buenos Aires, le 23 mai 1939. The Protocol remains open to the countries of the Union which were not represented at the Con- gress, in order to permit them to adhere to the Convention and Agreements concluded there, or merely to one or another of them. XIII Protocol left open to the countries represented for signatures and adhesions The Protocol remains open to those countries whose representa- tives have today signed only the Convention or only a certain num- ber of the Agreements drawn up by the Congress, for the purpose of permitting them to adhere to the other Agreements signed on this date, or to one or another of them. XIV Periodfor notification of adhesions The adhesions contemplated in Articles XII and XIII shall be communicated by the respective Governments, through diplomatic channels, to the Government of the Argentine Republic, and by the latter to the other States of the Union. The period which is allowed to the said Governments to make such notification will ex- pire on July 1, 1940. In faith of which, the under- signed plenipotentiaries have drawn up the present Protocol, which will have the same force and validity as if its provisions were included in the text of the Convention itself, and they have signed it in one copy, which will be filed in the Archives of the Government of the Argentine Re- public, and a copy of which will be delivered to each party. Done at Buenos Aires, May 23, 1939. Protocol left open to countries not repre- sented. 2100