Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/1012

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INDEX Virginia-Continued. Rivers and harbors, preliminary exami- nations authorized __--------____ Yorktown, conveyance to State of cer- tain land of Naval Mine Depot Reservation -__-------------___ Virus Serum Toxin Act, appropriation for enforcement

------ ------ ----

__ Page 649 804 417 Visas, refusal of, to certain aliens- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 252 Vocational Education, appropriation for promotion of------------------ 474, 831 Vocational Rehabilitation, persons dis- abled in industry, appropriation for_ 475, 831 W Wabash River: Bridge authorized across, at Monte- zuma, Ind_ ------ ------ ----- --- New Harmony, Ind., acquisition and maintenance of bridge at ________ Time extended for bridging, at Mount V-rnan Tn*1 780 140 firr I----UHAd-- ------- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ---- Waco Quarry, conveyance or lease author- ized ------------------------- _- - - 600 Wage and Hour Division. See under Labor, Department of. Wahpeton, N. Dak., appropriation for education of Indians -------------- 322 Wake Island: Naval Air Station- Appropriation for ----- _- - - - -- - - - 38, 677 Construction authorized ---------- 51, 662 Submarine Base- Appropriation for------------------ 673 Construction authorized

659 Walcott, Frederic C., appointment to Board of Regents, Smithsonian In- stitution --.----- ...-------.---- 666 Walker River Hospital, Nev., appropria- tion for--------------------------- 324 Walker River Irrigation Project, Nev., appropriation for---------------- 317, 319 Walla Walla, Wash., flood-protection works authorized----------------- 648 Walla Walla River, flood-protection works authorized- __ _-- -_- --- --- ---- --- _- 648 Wallace, Idaho, appropriation for care of graves of fire fighters -- _--------___ 423 Walnut Creek, Okla., examination author- ized --------------------------- 649 Walruses, protection of, in Alaska------- 632 Walsh, Thomas P. (Lt. Col.), credit in accounts of _-----------------_ 137, 139 Wapato Irrigation System, Yakima Indian Reservation, Wash., appropriation for------- _ ------------------ 319, 320 War, declaration of state of, with: Germany-------


796 Italy ------ -------------------- -- 797 Japan ---------------------------- 795 War, Secretary of. See War Department. War Department. See also Army. Accounts, monthly, extension of time for examination__ --- -- --- -___ --__ .- - Additional personnel, restriction on employment- __- - __- ___- - - .__- - - Aerial flights, limitation on number of officers required to participate in__ Page 781 390 369 Aerial photographs for mapping proj- ects for Department of the In- terior -------- _---------------- 341 Appropriation for- Adjutant General's Department---- 124, 368, 811 Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kans ---- 368 Welfare of enlisted men-. -- 124, 368, 811 Air Corps ------------- 126,378,670,812 Arlington County, Va., construction of office building ------------- 685 Armored Force ------------------- 383 Army Medical Museum------------ 391 Army War College --------------- 368 Audited claims ----------- 80, 85, 570, 574 Cavalry, Chief of--------------- 383 Chemical Warfare Service --------- 127, 382, 670,812 Citizens' Military Training ------- _ 387 Reserve Officers' Training Corps_ 387 Schools and colleges, military sup- plies and equipment for------ 389 Coast Artillery, Chief of------------ 383 Coast Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va ---------------------- 383 Contingencies, Army ------------ 366,810 Contingent expenses --------------- 391 Damage claims------ . 74, 75, 565 , 566, 567 Emergency national defense purposes, production of equipment, etc--- 124, 366,810 Expenditures without specific ap- proval of projects by President- 810 Engineers, Corps of -

74, 126, 130,191,203, 380,670, 812 , 829 Engineer Service ----- 126, 380, 670, 812 Flood control------------- 130, 193, 829 Hydroelectric power ------------ 193 Military construction, defense in- stallations ----------- 126, 380,812 Panama, Chorrera and Rio Hato Road, construction ---------- 812 Rivers and harbors -------------- 74, 130, 192,203,829 Expediting production of equipment and supplies ----------- 124, 366, 810 Consolidation of funds -------- 124, 366 Expenditures without specific ap- proval of projects by Presi- dent ----------------------. 810 Obligations, restriction on incurring of...................... -366, 598 CIV I - I I- -