Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/131

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 40 -APR. 5, 1941 Pneumatic-tube system, New York City. Proviso. Limitation. Public buildings and grounds, D. C . Salaries and ex- penses. Post, p. 546. Proviso. Payment for services. Public buildings outside D. C . Salaries and ex- penses. Prorisos. Use of present fur- niture. Joint telephone servime. equipment, gas, and electric-light fixtures, conduits, wiring, platform scales, and tower clocks; vaults and lockbox equipment in all build- ings completed and occupied, and for necessary safe equipments in buildings under the administration of the Federal Works Agency, including repairs thereto, and changes in, maintenance of, and repairs to the pneumatic-tube system in New York City installed under franchise of the city of New York, approved June 29, 1909, and June 11, 1928, and the payment of any obligations arising thereunder in accordance with the provisions of the Acts approved August 5, 1909 (36 Stat. 120), and May 15, 1928 (45 Stat. 533), $3,650,000: Provided, That the total expenditures for the fiscal year for the repair and preservation of buildings not reserved by the vendors on sites acquired for buildings or the enlargement of buildings and the installation and repair of the mechanical equipment thereof shall not exceed 20 per centum of the annual rental of such buildings. Salaries and expenses, public buildings and grounds in the District of Columbia: For administration, protection, maintenance, and im- provement of public buildings and grounds in the District of Columbia maintained and operated by the Public Buildings Administration, including the National Archives Building and including Federal Office Buildings numbered 2 and 3 outside the District of Columbia; repair, preservation, and equipment of the Treasury, Treasury Annex, City Post Office, Auditors' Building, Liberty Loan Building, and Custom- house; rent of buildings; demolition of buildings; expenses incident to moving various executive departments and establishments in connec- tion with the assignment, allocation, transfer, and survey of building space; traveling expenses and carfare; leather and rubber articles and gas masks for the protection of public property and employees; fur- nishings and equipment; arms and ammunition for the guard force; not exceeding $44,290 for purchase, repair, and cleaning of uniforms for guards and elevator conductors; and the purchase of two motor- propelled passenger-carrying vehicles; $12,931,900, of which amount not to exceed $500,000 shall be available for major repairs and improve- ments to public buildings and grounds in the District of Columbia: Provided, That where quarters or maintenance or other services are furnished on a reimbursable basis to any governmental activity, such activity shall make payment therefor promptly by check upon the written request of the Commissioner of Public Buildings, either in advance or after the service has been furnished, for deposit to the credit of this appropriation, of all or part of the estimated or actual cost thereof, as the case may be, and proper adjustment upon the basis of the actual cost shall be made for services paid for in advance. Salaries and expenses, public buildings outside the District of Columbia: For operation, protection, and maintenance, including cleaning, heating, lighting, rental of buildings and equipment, sup- plies, materials, furnishings and equipment, personal services, arms, ammunition, leather and rubber articles and gas masks for the pro- tection of public property and employees, the purchase of one motor- propelled passenger-carrying vehicle, and every expenditure requisite for and incidental to such maintenance and operation of public build- ings outside of the District of Columbia maintained and operated by the Public Buildings Administration, $2,995,265: Provided, That all furniture now owned by the United States in other public build- ings or in buildings rented by the United States shall be used, so far as practicable, whether or not it corresponds with the present regula- tion plan for furniture: Provided further, That this appropriation shall be available for contracts for telephone switchboards or equiv- alent telephone-switching equipment jointly serving in each case two or more governmental activities in buildings operated by the Public Buildings Administration where it is found that joint service is 106 [55 STAT.