Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/133

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 40 -A-PR. 5, 1941 Post, p. 821 . Printing and bind- ing. Road-making ex- periments, etc. 23 U. S. C. §§12, 48;16U.S.C.§503. PUBLIC ROADS ADMINISTRATION General administrative expenses: For the employment of persons and means, including rent, advertising (including advertising in the city of Washington for work to be performed in areas adjacent thereto), printing and binding (not to exceed $32,000), purchase (including exchange) of lawbooks, books of reference and periodicals, and the preparation, distribution, and display of exhibits, in the city of Washington and elsewhere for the purpose of conducting research and investigational studies, either independently or in cooperation with State highway departments, or other agencies, including studies of highway administration, legislation, finance, economics, transport, construction, operation, maintenance, utilization, and safety, and of street and highway traffic control; investigations and experiments in the best methods of road making, especially by the use of local mate- rials; and studies of types of mechanical plants and appliances used for road building and maintenance, and of methods of road repair and maintenance suited to the needs of different localities; for maintenance and repairs of experimental highways; for furnishing expert advice on these subjects; for collating, reporting, and illustrating the results of same; and for preparing, publishing, and distributing bulletins and reports; to be paid from any moneys available from the administrative funds provided under the Act of July 11, 1916 (39 Stat. 355-359), as amended, or as otherwise provided. FEDERAL-AID HIGHWAY SYSTEM Construction of For carrying out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide that the United States shall aid the States in the construction of rural post roads, and for other purposes", approved July 11, 1916 48; 16US.C . C js32a (39 Stat. 355-359), and all Acts amendatory thereof and supple- mentary thereto, to be expended in accordance with the provisions of said Act, as amended, including not to exceed $1,100,000 for depart- mental personal services in the District of Columbia, $100,000,000, to be immediately available and to remain available until expended, which sum is composed of $95,000,000, part of the amount authorized to be appropriated for the fiscal year 1941 by section 1 of the Act 23 u. s.., .. . 1. approved June 8, 1938 (52 Stat. 633), and $5,000,000, a partial reim- bursement of the sums expended for the repair or reconstruction of highways and bridges on the system of Federal-aid highways which have been damaged or destroyed by floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, or landslides, as provided for by section 3 of the Act approved June Oni.labor. 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 994): Provided, That none of the money herein appropriated shall be paid to any State on account of any project on which convict labor shall be employed, except this provision shall not apply to convict labor performed by convicts on parole or proba- Vehicles. tion: Provided further, That not to exceed $45,000 of the funds provided for carrying out the provisions of the Federal Highway 42 Stat. 217. Act of November 9, 1921 (23 U. S. C. 21, 23), shall be available for the purchase of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles necessary for carrying out the provisions of said Act, including the replacement of not to exceed one such vehicle for use in the administrative work of the Public Roads Administration in the District of Columbia: eqpreiatiuon of Provided further, That, during the fiscal year 1942, whenever per- forming authorized engineering or other services in connection with the survey, construction, and maintenance, or improvement of roads for other Government agencies the charge for such services may include depreciation on engineering and road-building equipment used, and the amounts received on account of such charges shall be credited [55 STAT.