Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/152

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77TH CONG. , IST SESS. - CH. 41-APR. 5, 1941 tric systems, and other utilities connected therewith, and also includ- ing the acquisition of leasehold and other interests in land, and tem- porary use thereof, without regard to sections 3734 (40 U. S . C ., 267), 355 (40 U. S. C., 255), and 1136 (10 U. S. C., 1339), as amended, of the Revised Statutes of the United States; the purchase, hire, opera- tion, maintenance, and repair of passenger-carrying vehicles; the employment of persons and the procurement of supplies and services, printing and binding, and communication service, at the seat of gov- ernment and elsewhere; $98,250,000, to remain available until June 30, 1942: Provided, That under this appropriation the Secretary of War is authorized to effect appointments of employees in the United States, or to effect the transfer of employees in the Federal service in the United States, for duty at any point outside the continental limits of the United States at which it may be found necessary to assign such civilian employees, and to pay the costs of transportation of such employees from place of engagement in the United States, or from present post of duty in the United States, in the case of those employees already in the service of the United States, to the post of duty outside the United States, and return upon completion of assign- ment or after such period of service as may be prescribed by the head of the Department to provide for the shipment of household goods and personal effects of persons so appointed or transferred from place of engagement or from present post of duty in the United States to the post of duty outside the continental United States; and to pro- vide for the transportation of the dependents of such appointees or employees, either by commercial or Government-operated vessels, as may be found expedient. ORDNANCE DEPARTM1ENT Ordnance service and supplies, Army: For ordnance service and supplies, Army, $82,132,100, and in addition, the Chief of Ordnance, when authorized by the Secretary of War, may enter into contracts prior to July 1, 1941, to an amount not in excess of $831,065,751 for the purposes authorized under this head. CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE Chemical Warfare Service, Army: For Chemical Warfare Service, Army, $20,523,000, to remain available until June 30, 1942, of which not to exceed $17,436,910 shall be for payments under contracts author- ized under this head in appropriation Acts for the fiscal year 1941, and in addition, the Chief of Chemical Warfare Service, when authorized by the Secretary of War, may enter into contracts prior to July 1, 1941, to an amount not in excess of $2,845,634 for the purposes author- ized under this head. CHIEF OF INFANTRY Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia: For Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia, $15,000. SEACOAST DEFENSES Seacoast defenses, general: For seacoast defenses, general, $9,047,000, to remain available until June 30,1942, of which not to exceed $1,890,000 shall be for payments under contracts authorized under this head in appropriation Acts for the fiscal year 1941, and, in addition, when authorized by the Secretary of War, contracts may be entered into prior to July 1, 1942, to an amount not in excess of $5,220,000, for the purposes authorized under this head. Proviso. Assignment of em- ployees outside U. S. 54 Stat. 367. Post, p. 382. 64 Stat. 368 . 54 Stat. 369. 64 Stat. 369. 127 55 STAT.]