Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/160

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77TH CONG. , S1TSESS.-CH. 64-APR . 11, 1941 shall not actively engage in any other business, vocation, or employ- ment. The counsel shall receive compensation at the rate of $10,000 per year and necessary traveling expenses. With the exception of a clerk to the counsel, the attorneys, and such special agents and experts as the counsel may from time to time find necessary for the conduct of his work, all employees of the counsel shall be appointed and their compensation fixed in accordance with the civil-service laws and the 42 Stat. 1488. Classification Act of 1923, as amended. 5U.C. 661 -674. "(b) The counsel shall have and perform the functions conferred Functions. 50 Stat. 74. and imposed upon the Consumers' Counsel of the National Bitumi- U.taS.C. 829 (b). nous Coal Commission by this Act as in force upon its enactment. The functions of such office which were transferred, by Reorganiza- tion Plan Numbered II transmitted by the President to Congress on May 9, 1939, to the office of the Solicitor of the Department of the 53 .stac4.33tnote. Interior shall not be performed by such office of the Solicitor after the Bituminous Coal Consumers' Counsel has taken office, and in no event after the expiration of sixty days after the date this section takes effect. "(c) All records and property of such office of the Consumers' Transfer of recordp Counsel of the National Bituminous Coal Commission transferred by sonnel. such Reorganization Plan to the office of the Solicitor of the Depart- ment of the Interior, and all records and property of the office of such Solicitor used primarily in the administration of any function of the office of such Consumers' Counsel transferred by such Reorganiza- tion Plan, and all personnel so transferred (not heretofore retrans- ferred or separated from the service under section 402 of such Reor- ganization Plan) and all personnel used in the administration of such a3 stat. 1435. functions are transferred to the Office of the Bituminous Coal Con- U.. tnote. sumers' Counsel established by subsection (a) of this section for use in the administration of the functions vested in such office by this section. (d) So much of the unexpended balances of the appropriations, pTranfeaar oun allocations, or other funds available for the use of the office of the Solicitor of the Department of the Interior in the exercise of the functions of the Office of the Consumers' Counsel of the National Bituminous Coal Commission transferred by such Reorganization Plan, or for the use of the Secretary of the Interior in the exercise of any function so transferred, as the Director of the Budget with the approval of the President shall determine, shall be transferred to the Office of the Bituminous Coal Consumers' Counsel for use in connection with the exercise of the functions vested in such office by this section. In determining the amount to be transferred the Direc- tor of the Bureau of the Budget may include an amount to provide for the liquidation of obligations incurred against such appropria- tions, allocations, or other funds prior to the transfer: Provided,That Use restricted. the use of the unexpended balances of appropriations, allocations, or 53 tat. 2562 W3. other funds transferred by this section shall be subject to the pro- 133r. visions of section 4 (d) (3) and section 9 of the Reorganization Act of 1939. "(e) All orders, rules, regulations, permits, or other privileges made, Conetintion of or- issued, or granted by or in respect of the Consumers' Counsel of the National Bituminous Coal Commission, or the office of such Con- sumers' Counsel, or the Solicitor of the Department of the Interior, or the office of such Solicitor, in the administration of the functions vested in such office or officer by this Act or such Reorganization Plan and in effect at the time this section takes effect, shall continue in effect to the same extent as if this section had not been enacted, until modified, superseded, or repealed. 135 55STAT.]