Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/246

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55 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 156-MAY 31, 1941 Coast Guard while detailed for duty at Coast Guard headquarters if such detail increases the total number of enlisted men detailed on such duty at any time above fourteen; Pay and allowances: For pay and allowances prescribed by law Post, pp. 584, 755 for commissioned officers, cadets, warrant officers, petty officers, and 81. other enlisted men, active and retired, temporary cooks, surfmen, substitute surfmen, and three civilian instructors, retired pay for certain members of the former Life Saving Service authorized by the Act approved April 14, 1930 (14 U. S. C. 178a), and not exceed- 46 Stat. . ing $10,000 for cash prizes for men for excellence in boatmanship, prizes gunnery, target practice, and engineering competitions; for carrying Post, p. 64 out the provisions of the Act of June 4, 1920 (34 U. S. C . 943); not to exceed $15,000 for cost of special instruction, including books, lab- oratory equipment and fees, school supplies, and maintenance of students; rations or commutation thereof for cadets, petty officers, and other enlisted men, mileage and expenses allowed by law for officers; and traveling expenses of other persons traveling on duty under orders from the Treasury Department, including transporta- tion of cadets, enlisted men, and applicants for enlistment, with sub- sistence and transfers en route, or cash in lieu thereof, and traveling expenses for the examinations authorized by the Act entitled "An Act to provide for retirement for disability in the Lighthouse Service", approved March 4, 1925 (33 U. S . C. 765); expenses of 4 tat. 121 . recruiting for the Coast Guard, rent of rendezvous, and expenses of Rern maintaining the same; advertising for and obtaining men and appren- tice seamen and applicants for appointment as cadets; in-service training of enlisted men including cost of textbooks, necessary school supplies, and correspondence courses; transportation and packing Pot,p. 564 allowances for baggage or household effects of commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men; and including not to exceed $46,720 for the recreation, amusement, comfort, contentment, and Post, pp. 564, 755, health of the enlisted men of the Coast Guard, to be expended in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury; $32,680,000: Pro- Provio ts. vided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used for increased pay at a rate in excess of $1,440 per annum to any nonflying com- missioned officer or commissioned officer observer for making aerial flights; which rate shall be the legal maximum rate of such increased pay as to any such officer: Provided further, That money accruing Commutation of from commutation of rations of enlisted men commuted for the rtlons, payments. benefit of any mess may be paid on proper voucher to the officer in charge of such mess; General expenses, Coast Guard: For fuel, lubricating oil, illumi- Po, pp. 64. 755. nants 2 kerosene, and water; the furnishing of heat, light, and power 8 (service) for vessels, shore stations, depots, and offices; outfits, includ- ing necessary supplies and equipment, medals, newspapers, technical books and periodicals, and library books for shore stations and vessels; rental of mechanical accounting machinery and other equipment; repairs to portable equipment at shore units; ship chandlery, engi- neers' stores, draft animals and their maintenance; purchase (not to exceed $25,000), exchange, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor- propelled passenger-carrying vehicles for official use at headquarters and in the field; the rebuilding, repairing, maintenance, and inci- shorestations. dental expenses of shore stations, including lighthouses, lights, beacons, and other fixed aids to navigation, radio stations, depots, and offices; temporary leases and rentals; improvement of property for Coast Guard purposes, including rental or use of additional land where necessary and the purchase of land for beacons, daymarks, and fog signals; not to exceed $191,000 for completion of construction of the Mih.,station. station authorized by the Act approved June 29, 1936 (49 Stat. 2031); 221